Dark Depths

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KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion (Star)

ES: Emma Swan aka the Savior (Swan)

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin aka the Dark one (Rumple)

LJ: Lila Jones

PP: Peter Pan (Pan)

TL: The Little Mermaid aka Ariel

Dark Depths

Loosing her grip on Killian's hand, Amber was pulled down into the water.

KJ: Star! Killian called into the water below.

She held her breath and fought to break free of the tight grip around her ankle. She could hear the muffled voice of Killian on the surface. It was far too dark for her to see what it what that was wrapped around her ankle, but she knew it's hold on her was strong.

On the deck of the Jolly Roger Hook stood leaning over the side of the ship trying to see into the water. Unable too make anything out in the dark depth below he quickly shed his heavy leather coat, stepped up on the railing and dove into the water after Amber.


Pan's shadow plucked Lila out from the forest and lifted her high above the trees. Hook's gaze remained fixed on Lila as she was carried away by the shadow. He was careful not to display any concern for Lila in the fear that it would encourage Pan, or give Blackbeard and advantage.

PP: On your mark, Pan began to count off for the game to start, get set, and go! He cheerfully yelled.

Without any hesitation Blackbeard and his crew took off after the shadow.

PP: Why are you just standing there, Captain? Pan asked when Hook and Smee did not immediately chase after the shadow, Does family truly mean so little to you?

Hook glared up at Pan.

Mr. Smee: Capt'n, what are we doing?

Slowly Hook tore his gaze from Pan to look over at Smee.

Mr. Smee: Blackbeard's men out number us. They will surely find the coin before we do. Smee pointed out, And I wouldn't be surprised if Pan gave Blackbeard a map or something. That child seems to have it out for you, Capt'n. Smee whispered, his gaze flashing up to Pan.

PP: Well Captain? What are you waiting for? Pan asked.

Hook had spent time on the island before. He knew Pan and he knew the kind of games the monster liked to play. Hook knew the only way to find Lila would be to out think Pan.

****Present Day****

The water was icy and sent a shock through Killian as he dove in head first. Quickly moving through the water he hoped he would be able to reach Amber in time. The water was dark and it was difficult for him to see anything, but a little ways in front of him Hook could make out moving figures. He didn't know what it was but he could see Amber tangled up among them. He swam closer and reach out for Amber's hand again.

Amber felt something grab at her hand. She instinctively pulled her hand away thinking it was another tentacle thing that was grabbing at her, however when she turned and looked at it she realized that it was Killian's hand. Desperately she reached back and grabbed his hand. Immediately Killian began trying to pull her free of the tangled tentacles that held her.

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