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KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

RM: Regina Mills aka Evil Queen

OC: Orion Constellation


David, Mary- Margret, Emma. Henry, and Regina all left the Hospital. Hook stood alone out in the hall for a moment trying to decide what he should do. Then carefully pushed open the door to the woman's room and stepped inside. He found the woman sleeping, so he quietly took a seat in the blue chair beside the door. He sat across from the strange woman eyeing her, again there was something strangely familiar about her. Hook felt as if he had met her somewhere before. As he racked his brain trying to recall where he had seen her face, Hook looked over her and just as quickly as the familiar sensation wash over him it was gone. It was as if he blinked and was looking at someone completely different and unfamiliar.

Hook sat still in the chair for over an hour waiting for the woman to wake up. He eventually dozed off in the chair. His head cocked to the side, slouched down in the chair, and with his heavy leather jacket draped over his chest.

The Strange Woman awoke and saw the man sleeping in the chair across the room. She recognized him as one of the people who was hovering over her when Emma first introduced herself. The woman shook her head as she tried yet again to recall how she got here or what her name is. Her gaze fell back on the sleeping man, and she giggled as she took in his appearance. He looked so out of place. She felt like he should be in a movie playing a thief or perhaps a pirate. The woman wondered if he was an actor and if there was a movie being filmed here.

KJ: He groaned as he shifted in his chair and woke up. He lifted his heavy head and rubbed his stiff neck. Hello there, Sweetheart. I hope you enjoyed your beauty rest.

The woman nodded.

There was an awkward silence for neither of them knew what to say to the other.

KJ: I am starved. How about something to eat? In my experience the food here... well lets just say I wouldn't feed it to my worst enemy, but perhaps I can find something for you.

The woman smiled and nodded again, this time with a smile. Hook bowed his head then dashed out of the room and down the hall.

Hook returned a few minutes later with a tray of food. He returned to find Regina in the room standing over the woman.

RM: You think that will work on me? She growled.

The woman sank down in the hospital bed.

KJ: What is going on here? He glanced between the terrified face of the strange woman and Regina's unforgiving glare.

RM: Regina composed herself and straightened her jacket, Where have you been? I thought you were supposed to be watching her?

KJ: Yes, but does that mean she cannot eat?

The woman watched as Regina and Hook went back and forth.

RM: Shook her head disapprovingly, and while you were gone she could've....

KJ: She could've what? He asked as he placed the tray down on the stand beside the hospital bed, She a girl not a monster.

RM: And that is what worries me. She mumbled as she turned and walked out of the room.

KJ: Arugh! Hook grumbled as the door shut behind Regina. When he looked back at the woman and saw the fear in her eyes begin to fade away he smiled and pulled the blue chair up beside the hospital bed. Then he lifted the lid off of the plate of food between them, I am afraid all I could find was a bologna sandwich and some juice.

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