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OC: Orion Constellation (Star)


MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin aka The Dark One (Rumple)

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

NC: Neal Cassidy aka Baelfire (Bae)


The next morning Amber awoke with the early morning sun light pouring in to her room at the Inn. Laying in the bed she looked to the window. It had been two days since she woke up in this strange town and still she had no way of knowing who she was or how she got there. She rolled over in the bed trying desperately to remember what had happened before she woke up in the hospital. Still when she tried to recall anything from before it was just a blank.

Frustrated Amber sat up and swung her legs off the side of the bed. As she did she heard the faint sound of tapping beside her feet. She looked down and saw her ring bouncing on the hardwood floor. She bent over and picked it up. She looked at the strange stone and wished it had given her some kind of memory. But when she looked at the ring it meant nothing to her.

Still with no sign of her memories coming back Amber decided to get some breakfast at the Diner. She hoped the fresh air would help clear her head. There were a few people in the Diner quietly sipping their coffee when Amber came in. She took a seat at one of the stools and waited for Granny to come take her order.

MG: Hello Dearie.

OC: Hello... Amber said suspiciously as she turned to see Rumple.

MG: I hear you are new to our little town. I just wanted to welcome you and tell you that if there is anything you need please feel free to come by my shop. It is the pawn shop just around the corner.

OC: Oh really? Maybe I will come by later and take a look around, if that is alright.

MG: Of course, Dearie.

Once Rumple had left the Diner Granny came over and took Amber's order.

Granny: Be careful of that rat, Darling. She said referring to Rumple. Then without another word she ducked back into the kitchen.

Amber took her time enjoying some pancakes and orange juice. She had hoped Killian would show up, but after a while she decided to explore Storybrooke a little more. It was still early so many of the shops on Main Street were not opened yet. She walked pass an Ice Cream shop and a boutique. When she came around the corner she saw a sign that read Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop.

She peered in the window at the glass unicorn mobile. It looked so elegant and fragile. Amber could tell the shop would have a lot of really neat things inside. She turned to go inside then thought about Granny's warning. She had no idea what Granny meant by it so Amber decided she would keep her guard up.

MG: The sign says closed.... Rumple began to say with his back to the door. When he turned around and saw Amber in the doorway his tone changed, Oh hello, Dearie!

OC: Hi... I am sorry I didn't see the sign. I will just come back....

MG: No, no. Come in, come in. He insisted as he slid the conch shell off the counter and into the cabinet down below.

Slowly Amber moved about the shop, she was careful not to let Mr. Gold out of her sights. She also knew that he was doing the same with her.

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