The Storm

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ES: Emma Swan aka the savior (Swan)

RM: Regina Mills aka Evil Queen

HM: Henry Mills

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion Constellation (Star)

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin (Rumple)

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

MM: Mary- Margret aka Snow White (Snow)

DN: David Nolan aka Prince Charming (Charming)

The Storm

In Rumple's shop Hook stood over the counter facing Rumple. The urgency was written all over his face.

MG: Let me ask you this, Pirate. Why is it so important to you that she stays?

Annoyed Hook's brows pinched together and his jaw clenched. He had been asking himself that question since Amber got her memories back. He had convinced himself that keeping her here was the right thing to do. That it is what is right for her, but in his heart Hook knew that was not the only reason.

KJ: What does that matter? Hook replied evading the actual question, How are you going to make sure she can't leave town? Hook asked again, People are not going to be hurt are they?

MG: Awe look at you worrying about everyone else. You have been acting as quite the hero lately. I must say I am really intrigued by this softer side to you. Rumple teased, Now that the Captain has gone soft is he trying to back out of our deal? Is he afraid?

KJ: No. Hook spat as he clenched his fist.

Rumple nodded and smirked.

MG: There is always a price. You must pay it.

KJ: What is that supposed to mean?

Interrupting their conversation the items on the shelves around the shop began to shake. The ground quaked beneath their feet. Hook looked to Rumple, who stood before him with a wicked grin.

KJ: What the bloody hell did you do? He exclaimed.

At Granny's Diner the earthquake rattled the cups stacked on the counters. The party music stopped and everyone froze. The lights in the Diner flickered momentarily, and when the quake stopped everyone looked around at one other trying to figure out what just happened.

DN: That was strange. David said as he followed everyone outside.

Outside the wind whipped viciously through the streets. Over the bay storm clouds had begun to gather. It was something like a hurricane.

AP: A hurricane? It is the middle of the winter and we are in Maine....

Hearing Amber's remark Emma and Regina exchanged a look. Everyone knew that this was no ordinary hurricane. It must have been caused by magic.

AP: How is this possible? Amber asked raising her voice over the ever growing strength of the wind.

ES: Magic. Emma replied without tearing her gaze from the growing clouds over the bay.

AP: What? Amber asked unsure if Emma was kidding.

DN: Alright, lets everyone get back inside. It is not safe out here. David said ushering Henry and Mary-Margret back into the Diner.

With everyone safely back inside Amber turned to Emma and pulled her to the side so they could talk.

AP: What is going on around here? She asked, First with this storm and the fact that everyone here seems to know something I don't. Second, that remark about magic.... what is that supposed to mean?

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