Part 2: Race

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Pirate Heart Part II ~

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin aka The Dark One (Rumple)

BE: Belle

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

BB: Blackbeard

LJ: Lila Jones

PP: Peter Pan (Pan)


Later that evening Belle was buzzing around the shop when Rumple came from the back room. He watched her for a few minutes admiring her and how happy she was.

MG: What are you doing? He asked as he hobbled out of the archway and over to Belle's side. She had been rummaging through a couple boxes in the corner.

BE: I was just looking for a gift. She replied while still digging through one of the boxes.

MG: A gift?

BE: Yeah, Amber is returning home tonight. I just thought it might be nice to give her something to remember us by.

Rumple nodded slowly.

BE: What? Belle asked after noticing the questioning look on Rumple's face

MG: Darling, I know you feel for this girl....

BE: But? Belle interrupted knowing Rumple was about to disappoint her.

MG: I am sorry, Belle but do really think giving her a reason to remember Storybrooke is such a good idea? I mean if she is going home then we don't want her tell all of her friends and family about a small town in Maine, a town which only people from our world can see.

Belle sighed disappointment clearly written on her face. She could see Rumple's point but she wished she could do something for Amber. Whether Amber knew it or not she was from there world and someday she would learn the truth of her past. Belle just wanted Amber to know that she would always have a home in Storybrooke.

MG: Your heart is so kind, Belle. Rumple said before kissing Belle on the forehead and ushering her out the door.

BE: Aren't you coming to the party? Belle asked over her shoulder as Rumple pushed her through the door.

MG: The girl and I are not very well acquainted, plus I get the feeling my presence there would not be very welcome by the Pirate.

Belle nodded and kissed Rumple goodbye on the cheek.

Once Belle head turned the corner Rumple ducked back into the shop. He locked the door behind him and slipped behind the counter. He retrieved the conch shell and waved his hand over it causing the image of the Trolddom Pendel to be projected before him. The image was the same as the one he had looked at earlier with Hook. Slowly the became clear and the view expanded. After a few moments it was clear that the man currently in possession of the Trolddom Pendel was Blackbeard.

MG: It shouldn't be much longer now. He whispered to himself.


Many people had began gathering at Granny's Diner for Amber's farewell party. Hook however could not bring himself to go inside. He sat slumped down in a chair outside the diner. He watched everyone laughing and talking. They all seemed so happy, but there was something tugging at the back of Hook's mind. He took a swig of rum and thought about everything had happened over the past few days. Amber's arrival in Storybrooke had stirred up a lot of memories that Hook had buried deep, and after what he had seen earlier in Rumple's shop Hook did not feel much like a party.

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