Mending Broken Bones

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MM: Mary- Margret aka Snow White (Snow)

AP: Amber Philips aka Orion Constellation (Star)

KJ: Killian Jones aka Captain Hook (Hook)

DN: David Nolan aka Prince Charming (Charming)

ES: Emma Swan aka The Savior (Swan)

MG: Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin aka The Dark One (Rumple)

PM: Penelope Madison

BB: Blackbeard

BF: Blue Fairy

Mending Broken Bones

Killian dropped the sword he had used to fight Blackbeard and fell back against a stack of barrels. He pressed his hand against his wound. He kept his gaze glued on Blackbeard still trying to understand how this monstrous man could be Amber's father.

BF: I am afraid I do not have enough magic to heal your wounds. Blue said while she stood bent over Killian looking down at his bloody shirt and hand, Amber went to get help. Just hold on.

BB: This is not over... Blackbeard grunted, I will have what I came for.

Killian did not have the strength to respond. The bit of energy he had during the fight was now gone.

Fading in and out of consciousness Killian could hear the sound of sirens approaching.

BF: Here they come!

Leading the way was Emma and Amber in Emma's yellow bug. Following closely behind them was the ambulance. Amber hurriedly jumped out of the car and ran across the docks to the Jolly Roger. She stepped aboard the ship and saw the remnants of the battle between Blackbeard and Hook. She saw Blackbeard still sprawled out across the deck. Then her gaze floated to Killian who was fading quickly.

AP: Killian! She called as she rushed to his side. She fought back the urge to cry as she watched Killian close his eyes.

Emma boarded the ship and immediately found Blackbeard. She directed the paramedics and cuffed Blackbeard to the gerny. She used her magic to reinforce the cuff that way she knew he wouldn't be able to try and steal the keys and escape again. Then she and the paramedics made their way over to Killian. Both Amber and Blue stepped out of the way so that they could lift Killian out of the mess of barrels.

ES: Don't worry, he will be alright. Emma said to Amber and lightly put her hand on Amber's shoulder, He is a survivor.

Amber looked down at the sword in her hand. She couldn't help but feel responsible for all of this. If only she had been smart enough to stay away from Blackbeard. Emma offered to give her a ride to the hospital, so the two of them got back into the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

They waited at hospital for hours. Mary- Margret and David showed up with hot chocolate for everyone. Emma told David about the attack and the two of them came up with a plan to detain Blackbeard and ensure that he doesn't break free again.

MM: It will be alright. Everything will work out. Mary- Margret kept saying.

Amber knew she was only trying to help but her constant need to be optimistic was driving Amber insane.

AP: You don't know that.

MM: Yes I do. It will be alright.

AP: Stop saying that! Amber snapped. She felt the nauseating sense of guilt for everything that happened.

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