The Runaway

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(A/N: this is the first thing I'm writing so any criticism would be nice!)
"Ah, ___. (your name) There you are. I have some wonderful news for the kingdom." Your father tells you.
"And what is that father?" You ask.
"Ah, yes. I have arranged a marriage for you from one of the neighbouring kingdoms." He says calmly. At that exact moment your eyes widen and you rush to you room.
"No! It can't be!" You think in sorrow. "Why? Why would he do that to me? Father knew I wanted to marry one whom I love." You start to tear up but wipe the tears away. You grab your cloak and grab a few items. You go to the stables and get on your ___ (whatever color you want for your horse) Horse And rush out to the castle gates. A few guards notice you on your horse.
"Hey you! Stop!" One of the guards yell. You realize you are being chased. "Close the gate!" Another guard yells. You ride your horse as fast as you can and manage to get out of the gates before it closes. "Damn it!" A guard yells. You keep running as far as possible.
It has been an hour since you left
You stop your horse from running and take a break. You walk to the river nearby and decide to dye your hair ___ (your favourite color). you lower the hood on you cloak and see what you did with your hair. You grin and then mumble "they shouldn't recognize me like this. But I'll keep my name and say I'm named after myself, although it would be a bit odd." You think out loud. After dyeing your hair you decide to find a nearby village to stay in.

The runaway princess (you X Garroth) {REUPLOADED] [editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now