The prince of Dragon Wind

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(A/N: remember, I made up dragon Wind on the spot so it's not the best name. If you have any other name suggestions boop it down in the comments.)

You had no choice but to extend you stay back at your kingdom, you hated the fact that your father said for Garroth and Kiki to go back to Phoenix Drop. You sighed. "Well the prince will be here soon, might as well have a maid get me ready." You walk to your room and get prepared for the arrival. Your personal maid, Lilith helped you with your dress. "I have to admit though, I LOVE this blue Victorian dress the seamstress made." Lilith then tied the string on and back and tightened it.

"That should do it your highness." Lilith says.

"Thank you Lilith, even though you can't see as well as the others, you do an amazing job." You complement knowing that she is blind.

"Thank you princess, I feel honoured to receive such a complement." She blushes. You look out the window and see a carriage. You walk to the throne room where your father is. You stand next to your father and wait for the prince to arrive.

"That must be him." You mutter.

"Hello, you majesty." The prince says and bows. "I'm prince Zachary of Dragon Wind." He introduced. "And this is your lovely daughter I am supposed to marry." He complements as he turns to you. He has a dark shade of brown hair, green eyes. (A/N: wait, am describing prince Hans!? I dunt want to! Mean to!) he then walks up to you and kisses your hand. "Hmm, he seems like a Casanova. *sigh* hope this torture ends soon"

"Umm father, may I head to my room?" You ask.

"*sigh* yes you may." He sighs.

At your room

"Huh? A Wyvern?" "Are you a Wyvern?" You ask the Wyvern.

"Yes, and you must be princess ___(your name). I'm raven, I will send letters to you whenever you receive them or if you want to send one. Speaking of which I have one for you. It's from Aphmau." Raven informs you.

"May I read it?" You ask.

"Or course." Raven answers. You read the letter.

Dear ___(your name),
It's been lonely without you here, we all miss you, especially Garroth and Zoey, but anyways everything seems different without you here. It's like there's a hole missing. I'm sure you had this feeling before. But anyways, we all don't wait to see you in 3 weeks. Hope you write back so we all can keep in touch.

Sincerely, Aphmau~ <3

After you read the letter you start to write instantly and raven awaits patently.

Dear Aphmau,
It's been pretty lonely without being with you all. And yes, I miss Garroth a lot, so can you stop shipping me? Heh, anyways I just met the prince. He seems like a Casanova. (Hope he doesn't see this). Anyways I'm sure we all met one in our lives. Anyways, it's been quite boring. Can't wait to see all your faces in 3 weeks. Hope you all are doing well!

Sincerely, ___(your name)

You finish writing and hand the letter to raven. "Thank you raven." You thank.

"It's a pleasure to serve you." Raven says back then flys away.

"*sigh* I really miss them." You sigh.

A/N: I finally do a longer chapter! XD anyways, thanks for reading and see you In The next chapter!

The runaway princess (you X Garroth) {REUPLOADED] [editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now