Little Time with Little Levin

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After hearing Garroth say that you can't help but be a little nervous. "What about earlier?" You ask.

"Not to be rude or anything but something about earlier seemed off. When I heard you mumble I couldn't help but notice you were a bit mad. Do you have a history with the princess?" He asks.

"Lady Irene please help me." You prayed. "Not exactly." You respond. "But anyways again thanks for your concern but really. I'm fine."

"Ok then. Well see you tomorrow." He says before he heads out.

"Is he always like that?" You can't help but mumble out loud.

The next day

You head over to levin. "Hewo ___(your name)." You hear levin say.

"Hello to you levin. Do you want to play at the sand?" You ask him.

"Yes pwease!" You hear him say in an excited way. You can't help but chuckle.

"Ok then up you go!" You help levin and take him to the playground. You play with levin for a bit and notice Garroth. "Hello Garroth." You greet.

"Good morning ___(your name). Have you seen Aphmau?"  He asks.

"Hmm, I think she's still sleeping. Why do you ask?" You can't help but wonder.

"No reason, just wanted to check on her." He responds. He heads over towards you and levin. You continue to play with levin and Garroth joins with you.

You hear a small chuckle and realize Aphmau just came out. "Seems like you three are having a good time." She says cheerfully.

"Mommy!" You hear levin call out. You can't help but aww. You notice  Garroth awed too.

"Aww, seems like someone has a soft side." You can't help but chuckle. Garroth stays silent. You can't help but wonder, "is he blushing? With that helmet on I can't seem to tell."

"I um, have to get going." He says before he walks off.

"Is he always like this?" You ask.

"Not always but sometimes he gets like that." She responds from my question. You suddenly remember you are supposed to hang out with kawii~chan later today.

"Oh, Aphmau I suddenly remembered that I have to meet up with kawii~Cham later today." I told her.

"Ok, well you have fun!" She says.

A/N: and that's the end of the chapter. Anyways see you around in the next!

The runaway princess (you X Garroth) {REUPLOADED] [editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now