HOLY COW!!!!! + a thank you note from me

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DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW AMAZED I AM RIGHT NOW??!? First of all, I got reader from all around the world!!! from the England, to Latvia, Spain, south Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, etc. also, I may or may not have male readers but I don't  judge if you are. I'm also very happy that I could entertain all of you readers out there with my writing. *lets out a small tear* thank you guys so much! I also can't believe how popular this has gotten over the months. I never really expected this. I am extremely grateful. I'm probably boring you all out of your minds with my ranting so I'm going to shush. this is early but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I'm taking a plane back home tomorrow so I'm not gonna get any publishing done any time tomorrow. 


The runaway princess (you X Garroth) {REUPLOADED] [editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now