Girl time with Zoey and Kawii~chan

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After that conversation with Aphmau you left to go to Kawii~chan's cafe. When you get there you knock on the door and kawii~chan opens the door. "Hello ___(your name)! Kawii~chan is glad __(your name) is here!," she says cheerfully. "Kawii~chan wants ___(your name) to follow kawii~chan."

You nod and follow Kawii~chan to her basement. You notice Zoey is there and wave. You have a seat and kawii~chan gets some sweets. You take a bite and it tastes SO good you could eat it forever. "This is really good kawii~chan!" You can't help but complement.

"Kawii~chan is glad ___(your name) likes it." She smiles. You all start chatting about random things (except your secret of course) but before you know it, it's already evening. You and Zoey say you goodbyes and head to Aphmau's home.

"How was your day?" Aphmau asks. You smile.

"It was really good." You reply. A thought sneaks into your head. You are starting to think about the missing poster, the kingdom, and most of all. Your father. You start to get pale.

"Are you ok ___(your name)? You look a bit sick." She asks with concern.

"I'm fine." You fib. "I just need some rest." With saying that you head downstairs into your room. You sit on your bed and fall asleep.

In your dream

"Where am I?" You hear your voice echo. You blink and in the next second you realize you are in your castle. And then you see a moment you remember. "I have arranged a marriage for you." You hear you father say. But before you could run away and cry, you body doesn't respond to you and acts on its own. "That's wonderful." You hear yourself say cheerfully. "NO! STOP!! PLEASE!" You are screaming in your head. "No one can hear you dear one."you hear a voice say. You suddenly wake up.

"___(your name)." You hear a voice softly say. "...get...please...ok...___(your name)." You hear it again. You open your eyes and notice there is a group of people around you.

"Zoey? What's going on?" You groan. She sighs and explains everything.

"I heard you screaming and I went to go get Aphmau, we were worried about you." She explains.

A/N: that group of people would of been a perfect cliffhanger! Your lucky I l've done a bit too much hangers in the past few chapters. Well anyway I must write FOR SCIENCE!!

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