Loving you in his arms

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A/N: this song describes the chapter really well. Now off to the story!!

Finally, I was time to leave. I got everything ready. I asked Lilith if she wanted to come with me. She gasped and said, "Of course, I would love too!" She said is surprise. We both got everything ready and then went to the carriage.

One hour before arrival
"*sigh* the trip might be long but it will all be worth it!" You decide to talk with Lilith on the way there. "Lilith, I think you are going to enjoy Phoenix Drop. It's a very welcoming community."

"Wow, that sound wonderful your highness." Lilith says with awe.

"Lilith, you can drop the formalities. We're friends!" You tell her while smiling.

"I, wow." She seems speechless.

"Heh, it's ok. I didn't quite get used to calling Aphmau, well Aphmau since she is the lady of the village but I eventually got used to it." You tell her.

"I, umm. Think it would take me a bit of time to get used to." She chuckle softly.

"Lilith, she's very timid at times. Hmm, I wonder. I mean, I know she can't see but. Is she a magiks user?" You wonder.

"We're here your highness!" You hear the coachman tell you. (A/N: cue the music! Wait, you are already listening to it, I think) You both get out and you see Garroth. You can't help but have a quick flashback of when you first kissed him. "Yes, I'm in love with Garroth. I won't care what my father thinks! I just want to be with him!" You run up to Garroth and hug him. (You also don't see him in his armour for the first time in a long time.) you can't help but cry. "I've missed you." You can't help but cry.

"I have too." He twirls you while you are hugging and your dress flows in the wind. You two embrace and kiss.

"Garroth, I think I'm in love with you." You confess.

"I'm in love with you too." He confesses as well.

You two kiss again but more passionately. You two let go of each other's embrace and you blush. "I can't believe I'm finally gone." You can't help but say out loud.

"Same here." He replies. You two embrace again. "I will always love you in my arms." You can't help but blush. You two let go and walk to Phoenix Drop with Lilith. When you arrive, you are greeted by a bunch of people.

"I've missed you all so much." You cry. You hug everyone (even the baby's they seem to have grown.) "Levin! How are you!" How say as you hug him.

"I've been good aunt ___(your name). I've missed you." He says as he hugs you.

"You can make proper sentences now!" You can't help but squeal.

"Seems like someone is happy to be back!" You hear a familiar voice behind you.

"APHMAU!" You say as you hug her. "It's been too long!" You cry.

"I know." She starts to cry as well. "Geez girl, your crying is contagious." Aphmau 'complains'. You can't help but give a small chuckle. "Did you admit to him?" Aphmau asks still having her shipper side.

"*sigh of defeat* yes, yes I did." You tell her. You hear three squeals.

"OMG! You actually confessed!?" Zoey and Kiki squealed at the same time. You can't help but laugh.

"Kiki!?! Your in the club too!!?! And yes, yes I did." You seem so confused.

"Kikikiki, yes, I'm in the club now." She giggles. You hear someone come up to you.

"Umm ___(your name)? who's that girl with the lavender purple hair and sky blue eyes?" Brian asks.

"Why? Do you have a crush on her?" You can't help but ask and smirk.

"N-NO! Why, why would I?" He stutters. You can't help but chuckle.

"You sound just like Garroth when your nervous. Well I'll introduce you to her. (And maybe tell her you like her)." You tell him.

"Please don't tell her I like her." He says nervously. You chuckle again.

"Don't worry, I won't. Also just a heads up, she's blind, (ish) and might be a magiks user." You explain to him. You both come up to Lilith.

"Lilith, I want you to meet Brian. He's a guard here and he asked if I could introduce you to him."  You explain to her.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Brian." She smiles.

"It's, um nice to meet you too." He smiles.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two alone." You say as you walk to Garroth.

"It feels so nice to have you back." Garroth says.

"Yeah, it does. I've missed all of you." You tell him.

"We all missed you too." He says. You blush at the fact that he didn't have his helmet on or his armour. He's wearing a tux?

"I just remembered, why aren't you wearing your armour?" You can't help but ask curiously.

"Well it is kinda a special occasion." He smiles. "I'm also curious,what was you fiancé like?"

"A Casanova. A pretty hopeless Casanova." (A/N: I am definitely using hopeless Casanova in life on campus when I actually get ideas on it. *sigh* I hate writer's block.) you can't help but laugh. "I really wanted to say that out loud." You both start to chuckle.

"I've met someone on the lines of that before. I wonder how he's doing." He wonders.

A/N: this might be the best chapter I've done yet. Really proud of it. SamJayBay212 gave me the idea to ship Lilith and Brian 😆 so the ship is real! XD I love this chapter! I wonder? Did the song and chapter give you the feels? Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next! ciao!

The runaway princess (you X Garroth) {REUPLOADED] [editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now