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You wake up. You head over to Lilith's place ASAP. You get your cloths ready and hair and head to Lilith's house (a/N: also forgot to mention that you now have a house of your own.) you knock on your door and she answers. "Oh, good morning ___(your name). Come inside." She welcomes.

"Thanks Lilith. How did your date with Brian go?" You can't help but ask.

"Umm, it was good. Brian is such a gentleman." She sighs.

"Woo! My OTP is coming together!" You yell in your thoughts. (A/N: so many of you ship these two it's ridiculous xD) "that's good to know. I really hope your relationship goes up a step."

"Yeah, I hope so." She sighs once more.

"Well I gotta get going! I'll see you later!" You say before you head out. She nods.

"Ok!" Lilith replies. As you walk out you see Garroth.

"Hello Garroth." You greet him.

"Hmm? Oh hello ___(your name)." Garroth answers. He has his armour on.

"Are you on patrol?" You ask and Garroth nods. "Well I'll see you later. I don't want to bother you."

"Your not bothering me." Garroth says.

"I know, but I might be distracting you. Plus, I'm going to see you later." You smile. He sighs. Even under that helmet you see him smile a bit.

"Ok. I can't wait then." Garroth tells you. You blush.

"You really are sweet." You smile. "I'll see you later." He then nods.

A/N: short chapter. I was a bit lazy when writing this xD.  But I'll give some information on Lilith on the next chapter. It will just be a bio. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll cya in the next!

The runaway princess (you X Garroth) {REUPLOADED] [editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now