Helping kiki with her animals

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A/N: you might love me (or hate me) for this. The shipping might of intensified? *nervous laugh*

You head over to kiki's barn. You walk and and greet your horse. Your horse nuzzles you hand. "And hello to you too ___(horse's name)." You hear Kiki giggle.

"Kikikikiki." She giggles. You can't help but giggle along with her. "Thanks for helping me today ___(your name), you are a kind person." You can't help but smile more than you already are.

"Aww your welcome, and thank you." You thank. You start helping by feeding the animals...

After helping Kiki

"Thank you again for helping me!" She thanked.

"No problem!" You said.

As you walked back to Aphmau's home it started to rain. You hurried getting there hoping your hair didn't get too wet and the dye didn't wash off.

When you got inside Garroth noticed you "hello ___(your name). He notices your hair. "Umm, what happened to your hair. It's well, ___(your natural hair colour IRL)." He pointed out. You sigh.

"Well, how can I explain this." You sigh hoping for the best. You explain everything to him. "...but I'd rather turn down my crown and have a normal life, than live in royalty and marry a total stranger. I ran from home not wanting to marry a complete stranger. (It's a clichéd thing really)." Before you can continue he tells you something as well.

"To be honest, I have the same problem as you. I as well ran from my home not wanting marry someone I never met." He told you.

"Wow, I'd never expected you (not to be rude or anything) to have the same problem as me." You confessed. He nodded.

"Well, I'm going downstairs my hair is still kinda wet from the rain." You say as you head downstairs.

You go to zoey's room and tell her what happened. "Well I'm lucky only Garroth noticed. It would be a nightmare if anyone else knew." You explained.

"Yeah, it probably would." She finished drying your hair and started to dye your hair again. "If one of your father's guards saw you. That would of been horrible." You nod in agreement.

"Thanks Zoey, anyways I'm going upstairs to play with levin." You told her. You go upstairs and want in Kevin's room. You notice Aphmau in in the room with you. "Hello Aphmau!"

"Oh hello ___(your name)!" "Are you here to play with levin?" You nod. "So,___(your name). I say you were talking with Garroth. What was it about?" You decide to tell her since she deserves to know.

You tell her the exact same thing you told Garroth. "Please, don't tell anyone about me being a princess." you request. She nods and says.

"I promise."

A/N: well not my best chapter I wrote but hey! Got a few chapters done in a day. Plus I kinda wanted you X Garroth shipping to start. Heheh, anywho I'll see you in the next chapter!

The runaway princess (you X Garroth) {REUPLOADED] [editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now