Winter in Phoenix drop

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It is winter in Phoenix Drop, and you haven't heard anything from Your kingdom or Dragon Wind. To be honest you almost forgot about them. *sigh* its winter! I should at least enjoy it! You suddenly hear a knock at the door. "Come on!" You call out. You see Garroth go I through the door. "Hello, Garroth." You greet with a smile. You and Garroth have been taking it slow since you and Garroth didn't want to rush the relationship.

"Why hello to you too ___(your name)." He replies. "Do you want to join me on a stroll?" He invites. You think about it for a second.

"Sure! Why not. I'm just going to get something appropriate for the weather." You tell him. He nods and you go upstairs to change into something warm. You come back down and see him waiting patiently.

"You ready to go?" He asks and you nod. You two head out and go on a walk together. You see Aphmau pass by and you smile at her. She smiles back but it is quickly replaced with a smirk. "*sigh* this won't be good." You hear her giggle. You look at her and you head is slightly tilted with confusion. She points up and you see what she's pointing at. "Mistletoe? Isn't it a little early?" You sigh and look at Garroth. You face is bright red. Garroth seems speechless and then suddenly a small crowd came in.

You hear more giggles and you blush more then you already are. "Aww, come on! Why won't you two kiss?" Zoey complained. You both were at a loss for words.

You both sigh in defeat. Garroth takes off his helmet and kisses you on the lips. He pulls away and you both are bright red. And to make matters worst, you hear a bunch of squealing. "*squee* I CANT BELEVE YOU TWO KISSED! *squee* *ahem* umm, sorry." Lilith squealed. Garroth quickly put his helmet back on after Lilith said that.

"Why are you two taking it slow? You two should at least kiss more often!" Aphmau complained.

"I er, but, umm, we can't...." You were completely lost for words. And you hear them giggle. "I sounded like an idiot right now." "Umm, I'm just going to go over there now." You said a bit timidly. You smiled when you were out of earshot. You made a snowball and sneaked up on Aphmau. You then threw it at her playfully and giggled. "That's payback for shipping me!" You teased. You all laughed and started to play around.

A/N: well this was a little filler chapter. Bit short but hey, it's a chapter. *smirk* Angel I have a bit of shipping I have to do. Well I hope you all enjoyed. But I kinda have to hurry cause Angel might kill me for the shipping I have done. Well I'll cya in the next chapter! BYE!! *runs off*

The runaway princess (you X Garroth) {REUPLOADED] [editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now