Chapter 1

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M-wake up time for school. Don't wanna be late.
I jump up and run to my closet and pick out a knee length skirt and 1D shirt. And yes Zayn left the band but he was on the shirt.
I run down stairs eat a piece of toast. I put on my black converses get my phone and run out the door to school.


I run to the office to pick up my schedule and locker combination. I pull my phone out and text my friend Elizabeth.
I told her to meet me at my locker. She was already there or that's what she said. I walked there and talked with her till the bell rang. We rush to class.


I get a smoothie and go sit but when I was on my way I bumped into someone and spilt it on them. I expected to get cussed out.
LT-sorry I wasn't looking where I was going
A British man said. When I look up I see..... LOUIS TOMLINSON! The Louis Tomlinson from one direction! He smiles and I stand up and smile back.
EM-hi i like carrots..i mean I'm Emily.
LT-*chuckles* I would hope so and I'm---
Girl-LOUIS TOMLINSON! What are you doing talking to her.
She said pushing me down. I don't know her name but she bullies me.
LT-really she's way better than you any day.
He smirks and helps me up when she's stoping off.
EM-thanks Louis
LT-welcome. I see your a fan.
EM-um yeah totally.
EM-no prob. What brings you here?
LT-well we came looking for a place to set up for prom.
EM-yeah I heard that someone special was coming. Where are the boys.
H-Louis we looked everywhere for you.
And hi I'm Harry
EM-STYLES. I know!
H-ok miss sass.
EM-and I'm also from Doncaster.
H-well the second sass master from Doncaster.
EM-nope first.
LT-no second in first.
LP-guys stop talking and help.
EM-no Lou it's ok I gotta go anyway. But first give me your hand.
EM-so we can talk.
LT-so why do you need my hand for that.
H-to give you her number duh!
H-God Lou you can be so stupid.
I giggle.
I give him my number.
H-come on boo bear.
EM-by the way I'm Emily,Harry.
I run to my next class. All the girls got excited when I walked in. That's not right. I look behind me to see Niall, Harry,Liam,and Louis. So I go and sit in the back where no one sits, like normal.
I thought. Then 1D comes to sit by me. I stayed on my work and notes.


I walk out the room but the brat tripped me.

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