Chapter 5

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After we did our hair we took pictures and posted them on Instagram.
We got comments.
@louist91 ahh the other girls huh they are pretty.
@maddiebae thanks

@brittany0.0 omg really.
@eliz_beth thanks.
@r_awesome thanks
@emily_tater thanks @louist91
Not really Instagrams but @louist91 is Louis I'm following him
@louist91 welcome see you tomorrow.
After that our phones keep on lighting up saying people started following us.
EM-well I'm turning my phone off so....
EL-me too
M-me too
B-me 3
R-me 4
EM-who wants cake?
M-lets do it like this vote.
Everyone puts their hand up.
I walk out and walk back in with 5 pieces of cake well 1 plate. Did I forget to tell the girls I had surprise guest coming. Ok so I had 1 the boys had 2.we walk in and I had water in my hair then they throw pillows but I duck so they hit the boys.
EM-so much for a nice surprise. *laughs* now I'm going to go change.
I walk in the bathroom. I put on my other over sized hoody that's red this time and another pair of leggings. I was about to walk out but I stop. I push the door open and back up. Water hits the floor and so does the ice.
EL-man she knows us to well.
EM-that I do. Now your not getting cake. I'm going to go get something to drink. I walk out and bump into someone with a hood on so I can't see their face. They turn me around and put something over my face and I fall asleep.


I wake up in a bus with. 8 heads look at me.
EL-I was wrong she didn't even ask where Lou was so this was pretty funny.
My eyes closed and I fall out of my seat. I'm happy I didn't actually get kidnapped. But my head is hurting.
LT-wake up Emily.
LP-I thought she was so post to be awake by now.
It's been like 4 hours since I fell asleep.
LT-she is. The only thing I can think of is she's allergic to it?
M-what was in that.
LT-umm idk.
M-she's allergic to a medicine I just don't know what it's called.
EL-what Maddie you mean the medicine that puts you to sleep. The kind we used. I totally forgot. Crap.
They all scream. I was acting.
EM-BTW I'm not allergic to anything.
I run to the back of the tour bus and do a cartwheel. Man I feel like I have a lot of energy. I do the splits.
All the boys look away oh they feel pain when I do the splits. Hahah.
EM-wait what time is it.?!
N-umm around 1:00 why.
EM-cause I missed my midnight snack. Man!
I fake pout.
B-omg Emily.
EM-what. britt Britt?
B-your bleeding.
I look down at a cut knee its sliced deep.
LT-you might have to get stitches.
EM-no not again!!
LT-what do you mean.
R-oh that girl. He bully pushed her and she busted he head open.
M-oh that's why she wasn't there that day.
P-yes Louis.
LT-drive us to the hospital.
EM-no I don't wanna go.

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