Chapter 13

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Emily's p.o.v

I have been gone for 1 day.  So I think it's time to go back to the hospital. Ok so I bet your wondering where I slept well there was the bus bench then the hotel. I slept there cause I knew they weren't gonna be there.


LT-what were you thinking.
EM-I was thinking that you wouldn't care if I went back to the hotel.
LP-you went to the hotel.
EL-oh ok.
B-why didn't you call us.
EM-because I didn't have my phone!
LT-oh yeah right here.
H-umm can we go.
N-please I'm hungry.
EL-lets go to nandos I wanna eat there.
R-I'm fine with nandos.
LP-lets go.


I put my ear phones in and play my music.
Who cares about a dress size it's all about what's inside---
I skip the song.
Cause I can love you more than--
I skip that song.
The day I first met you you told me you never fall in love
Someone taps my shoulder.
H-we are here.
EM-oh ok.


Ahh I miss this place.
N-yay I know exactly what I want.
We walk to our table.
EM-guys look I'm sorry. It's just I'm not like that I'm used to being bullied like face to face and not through the phone.
LP-Did you even listen to our conversation that we had. sorry I just did fill like I really wanted---
LT-hey it's ok.
EL-yeah and even if you were still mad I would have forgiven you.

Sorry I have to go but I'll wright later tonight.

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