Chapter 9

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Rae p.o.v
I wake up in the hospital to see Emily crying and Maddie comforting her.
M-she's gonna be ok Emily she's fine I promise.
R-what happen.
EL-guys she's awake better yet alive.
Then Emily runs out.
R-wow Ummm my head hurt.
M-umm yeah you got in a reck with Harry and you past out so did Harry.
Then Emily runs back in.
She said between breaths. Wow she ran up a flight of stairs. RAN! Up a flight stairs to tell us that.
R-WAIT! Is Harry ok!?
EM-umm.....he broke both arms and had 10 stitches.
R-WOW! I got to go see him.
M-no you can't get out of bed.
R-but I have to.
M-no you don't.
EL-maybe you can Skype?!
R-good point I pull out my phone.


I click on the contact.

Harry p.o.v

My phone starts to ring.
Isn't she lovely,
Isn't she wonderful,


R-hey Harry. It's a Skype not a phone call so get the phone away from your ear.
All the boys laugh.
Then we hear a woman yell.
??-I'm hear for my daughter! I'm hear to see my daughter!
H-wow! Someone must have been very hurt.
Then I see her run past the room.
LT-umm Niall that's not your mum.
N-that looked like my mom.
H-shut up I'm talking on the phone!
??-umm is this raelins room?
Wow that sounds like Nialls mum.
LP-that's sounds like your mum,Niall.
B-yes ma'am.
EL-wait you Nialls mum!
Niall runs out the door and a few seconds later I see him on the screen. Wow he's quick.
M-Niall what are you doing hear.
I-was that Nialls mom!?
H-yeah it was.
M-wait is that Harry.
Everyone started talking at one time.
EM-EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!! I wanna know why miss Horan here!?
Me too we all said and look at her well look at the phone.
M-well first call me mum and I'm here because raelins my daughter. I had her when I got married to Bobbie then put her in foster care when I figured out that I was having Niall. And I guess you got adopted before you turned old enough to understand anything.

Cliff hanger!!!
So in this case m will be for Niall and Raelins mum not Emily's

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