Chapter 8

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Ok now it's here December. Yay! We are in Doncaster! The 2 sass master is happy! Ok so I'm in my warm winter coat with everyone else. A few days from now is Rae and Isaac's b-day. Oh I was right Isaac is here. He flew in a couple of days ago. Now we walk into the flat. Haha I called it a flat. Anyway.
EM-I call room with Lou!
We all run to the rooms me and Louis get the master. In yo face. Hahaha!!!!!
LT-whoa calm down.
EM-did I say that out loud.
LT-yes yes you did! *chuckles*
I run and kiss him and then run to the door. And knock.
EM-Louis. Knock knock!
LT-who's there.
LT-orange who!
EM-orange I glad I have you! I have to tell you something lou.
LT-did I do something wrong?!
EM-I--I---I have to pee!
I ran to the bathroom.
LT-you heard our conversation!?
R-yeah and I came to tell you we are having a birthday party for me and Isaac. We are bowling!
I walk out the bathroom.
EM-yay I love bowling!
R-I know! That's why I suggest it and you wouldn't have came if it wasn't.
LP-really she wouldn't.
B-no she wouldn't.
R-anyway it's at 6:30pm Thursday December 14th. next week.
EL-yay. Can we have one week of relaxing and then next week we can explore.
Everyone agreed
M-oh yeah we gonna be relaxing. Let's go to the spa!
All the girls scream yes all the boys groan!
Whoa what go into them. Yay we going to go get relaxed.
EM-all I really want is a massage.
All the girls run out.


Ok so we all discuss the way we are going to the bowling alley.
Harry and Rae
Lou and me
:the boys are driving:
Liam and maddie
Niall and Liz
Isaac and Britt
We are on the road. And I don't think that Harry was paying attention because he ran the red light. The car coming hits them.
Louis and me pulls over I started crying and so did Louis. Everyone else pulled over Liam went to the car that Harry and raelin was in and looked then he yelled call 911. I take out my phone as fast as I can and call 911.
Raelin p.o.v.
Then my view went blurry and all I saw was black and I heard yelling but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Harry's p.o.v
My leg hurts my head has blood running down it and my arms are killing me!
Liam looks in and tells someone to call 911. I tell him to look at the other person in the car but they are out of the car asking if we were ok.
I nod and everything went black.


I woke up with Louis crying and Liam telling him everything will be fine. I'm guessing the girls are in Rae's room.
My head is killing me.
H-vas happening.
N-he is alive! Thanks for being the new Zayn!
LT-omg thank goodness your awake.
Then a Emily with puffy eyes ran in and said that Raelin was awake.
H-really let me see her.
LP-Harry lay back down you can't.
H-how is she?!
EM-she's fine. She just had a bad headache and a left broken collarbone. And a broken ankle. She's fine.
H-thank God!
The doctor comes in.
Doctor-you can leave in a week if that's ok.
N-yes it is. Thanks doc.
Emily leaves and I'm guessing goes to the girls room.

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