Chapter 22

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Emily pov
When we get to the flat. We have to pack up I mean tomorrow is Friday.
EM-Louis shut up
?-NIGHT! Who are you.
After that we went to sleep.


I wake up and me and Louis hurry up and get changed since we were the first awake.
EM-Lou do you know where the paper and pen is at?
LT-yeah right here why
EM-I need it
He hands me the page.
My and Lou try not to laugh. His hair is all over the place. I burst out laughing.
H-what's so funny
Louis just stood there laughing. After we calm down I say.
EM-tell the people I went out.
LT-I'm coming with
EM-no your not.
EM-love ya Lou bye Harry oh and I'll be back 30 min before the concert.
H-ok bye
LT-love you to bye.
He kisses me and I leave. I walk to my old house. It wasn't sold just in case I wanted to come back here to live. I know I didn't stay here with the boys and girls because it's so dusty. I go up stairs to my room and pull out a box. I smile as I look at the pictures of me and my parents. A couple of tears go down my face. 'Why did you have to go!' I think to myself. I walk out into the snow. It's dark already oh well. I walk to the flat. When I get in everyone looks at me scared.
LT-omg what happened.
EM-I'm fine.
M-Emily your not give what's wrong.
EM-old memory's that's all.
LP-ok now everyone here is the backstage passes.
I grab mine along with the other girls.
N-and here is your front our tickets.
Then rush through the door. On the way there the boys wouldn't stop singing fresh prince of bel air. 'Inn west Philadelphia born and raised---'
After that part I put my head phones in and listen to my music.


When we get there. The limo pulls up to a bunch of screaming fans.
Girl-Louis Louis Louis be mine Louis!!
A girl scream everyone looks at me I just up from my seat almost to the door Louis stops me.
LT-calm down your gonna hear a lot of stuff like that and see a lot like that.
I just growl latterly growl.
When we get out the car. The body guards stop me and the girls from walking in.
R-excuse us.
She pushes him.
Body guard-who are you.
Paul-hey let them in that's the boys girl friends!
EL-thanks Paul!
Paul-no problem.
We walk in and walk to the seats we are going to sit at.
LT-we picked the best seats in the place for you girls
EM-thanks boo!
Then the girls started coming in and the boys run to the back.
We just laugh and talk.


and let me kiss you
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
So tell me girl if every time we touch you get this kinda rush baby say yeah yeah and let me kiss you.
LP-stop Louis.
Louis is pouring water on Liam and I'm laughing so hard.
LT-I have a special guest.
H-oh I know who it is and she has an amazing voice!
Oh crap they are talking about me.
All my friends are pushing me so I finally walk up there.

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