Chapter 3

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I went home and I took out my guitar.
EL-huh that sad.
EM-yeah. 😕
EL-come on
EL-hair and dresses and shoes for prom.
EM-fine I don't even know if I wanna go.
EL-you have to go in the school paper it states, 'Emily Tater and Louis Tomlinson are doing a duet of little things.'
EM-um you mean midnight memories right.
EL-no it said little things.
EM-no that song makes me cry.
EL-your gonna have to. Sorry. 😕
EM-it's ok. I have to I guess.
EL-come on.
EM-na lets do that tomorrow I have to practice. Sorry girl.
EL-it's ok I understand. I'll go home and rock to 1D.
EM-bye. Sorry.
EL-it's ok I promise. Bye.
She leaves and I get to practice.


EM-I won't let these little thing slip out of my mouth but if I do it's you it's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all these little things.
LT-you can't go to bed with out a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason that you talk in you sleep. And all those-
EM-how did you get in my house!?
LT-um I knocked the door was unlocked so I came in.
I wipe away some tears that were on my cheeks.
I push him out the house and open up twit casting.

Ok guys I'm gonna sing little thing mostly because I have to practice. But only the course. And maybe a verse that my partner is gonna sing. Here we go.

EM-I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth cause if I do it's you it's you they add up to I'm in love with you. And all these little things.

LT-you can't go to bed with out a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep and all those conversations are the secrets that I keep tho it makes no sense to me.
EM-how you get in this time.
LT-back door.
EM-hold on guys.
I push Louis out of the room and out the door and lock all the windows and all the doors.
EM-sorry guys.
I scroll down the questions and comments.
Are you ok and is that Louis Tomlinson.
EM-yes in fine and that was Louis Tomlinson.

Omg that was Louis Tomlinson. Is that who you have to do the duet with?!
EM-yes and if you wanna see it come to Hillary High May 15th. Bye.
I close my laptop and went to my bathroom and washed my face.
I look up to see an ugly girl looking at me. Things I hate of my face, EVERYTHING!
Mom said I have my fathers eyes but I wouldn't know he left. When mom told him she was having me. And we couldn't find him afterwards. A few minutes went by of me looking at myself in the mirror. I blink and get into some leggings and a over sided sweater. And curl up with my phone in my hand and turn on my TV.

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