Chapter 18

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Emily pov
After I woke up I closed my eyes and laid my head on loubears chest. Then I open my eyes and realize we were back in our hotel and u was in a tank top and shorts. And in the bed. I tried to get out of the bed but Louis he grip held me tighter. Well that didn't really work out. I laid my head back down on his chest and sigh. Ew he stinks. I roll over and sigh. Now I can breath. I run my hand under the pillow and grab my phone and get on flappy wings. Yeah I beat my high score. I made it to 62 finally. The Louis moves. I stay quite and change the game. I start subway surf. The Lou turns over and stops breathing.
Then he jumps up and screams. And then I scream.
EM-I thought I lost you you jerk!
I run strait to the bathroom and change. Boom two can play at that game I was faking it that the whole time. But still I fake cry.
LT-Emily I'm sorry I didn't mean to I promise.
EL-ahh you getting pranked by Emily.
LT-what do you mean she's crying.
EL-um no that's not how she cries.
EM-really Elizabeth!?
LT-come here Emily.
I harry up (see what I did there!? Ok shut up I know it wasn't funny I'm bored.)and put on my sweater and leggings and run out.
EM-oh wait!
I run back in and curl my hair then run right back out. Now I'm done.
LT-whoa why are you so dressed up.
EM-we are going out for our birthday right. Mines today yours was yesterday. Now go get dressed!
M-oh my god Emily I totally forgot I'm sorry.
LP-me too for both of you guys!

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