Chapter 21

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Sorry for the hold up!
Now here we go.
Raelin pov
After we eat and talk he had to leave. I embarrassed my self a lot but that's just me. Me and Harry walk out the coffee shop and I call Emily.
R-Hey guess who we just met.
R-Dan Howell.
EM-don't know him.
R-look him up but meet us at the park the middle of the park.
EM-ok I'll tell everyone. Bye!
After we hang up I scream then Harry looks at me stupid.
H-why did you scream.
R-cause Emily doesn't know who Dan Howell is!
H-jeez ok no need to yell.
R-sorry. Any who we meet them in a min at the middle of the park!
H-ok then let's go.
We started walking holding hands.

Emily's pov
Wow that was fun! I'm sad Harry and Raelin didn't come with us. Oh and my broken leg I barley road any rides. I road the well no i didn't me and Louis just walked around I played games I won a bare but gave it to a little kid then Lou won another for me. I smile at the thought. I look up and we're already here so we all walk to the car and talk and play truth or dare.
EL-so truth or dare um Isaac?
EL-I dare you to role down the window and scream 'I don't know about you but I'm filling 22! Oh wait I am 22!'
He does it.
I-ok Niall truth or dare.
N-umm dare
I-sing you favorite place in America and food oh and make it rime.
N-ok if you say you want me to drive to KFC! I love chicken!
N-ok so Liz truth or dare
P-we here
LP-ok yay!

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