Chapter 10

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Raelins p.o.v

My mouth hit the floor!
R+N-you my sister/brother.
H-your her brother.
M-where is Harry coming from.
R-the phone......umm
M-mum call me mum.
R-umm mum!
I let out a smile. This life is the best I turn my head to fast and ow that hurts. Then the doctor rushed in.
D-Is everyone ok I heard yelling!
M-yes ma'am we are fine just excited.
(Ok so instead of just m for mum it's gonna be for Niall and Raes mum not Emilys)
Mum-yes everything is fine.
D-ok good.
The doctor walks out.
Mum-ok so imma need names. Other than the boys who are clearly on the other side of the phone.
N-umm mum I'm right here.
Mum-I know I was talking about. Harry, Liam, and Louis.
N-oh ok.
R-oh I'm Raelin as you know and this is my friends Maddie,Elizabeth, Brittany, and Emily.
I say pointing to them.
R-oh and Brittany's boyfriend is with the boys his name is Isaac!
Mum-wow ok. So when are you leaving.
M-in a week! Oh and we have figured out everything with the other person in the reck. So no need to worry about that.
R-really that's nice.
H-that is nice.
LP-yeah we all worked together on it.
EM-whoa Louis helped.
LT-nope I didn't know about it. You didn't either we are no responsible enough for that.
EM-oh yeah ok!? Thanks!
Wow sarcastic much!


Emily p.o.v

Ugh I hate crutches.
And this couch is killing my back I wanna go to the flat but I also wanna stay with the boys and girls. Oh well I get my stitches out tonight but I still have these thanks to the guys the got in a hospital bed and hit me with it. So I have a broken ankle. Sometimes the boys are stupid. I walk in the bathroom and pick out something to wear. We went to the flat a couple of days ago to get out clothes. So I take out a pair of black sweat pants and a long sleeve light blue shirt with a heart on the front. I do my hair and brush my teeth. Next week we are looking around at everything. And then Friday we are going to leave. Today is Wednesday by the way. I walk out the bathroom to see all the girls awake with bed hair. Then I here someone mumble something.
N-I said can you please get off of me!?
EL-no your to comfortable.
N-umm Emily. Help.
R-I'm about to get up and smack you both if you don't shut up.
When I said girls I mention the ones on the floor not the one in the hospital bed.
I walk out the door and bump into someone.
EM-oh I'm sorry. SKYLER!
S-shut up. I'm here to see Harry is he okay!?
EM-why in the world would you care.
S-you listening here you're not going to ruin this day. I love Harry.
EM-what about Cody.
S-oh we broke up.
S-yelp. Get out oh my way I'm here to see.....
She walks in the door. 
R-Ummm Skyler. 
EM-who woke her up. Who got slapped.
N-that would be me.
R-Harry why do you want Harry.
S-God you guys are stupid. He's hot and my boyfriend.
LT-never in a million years!
EM-hey babe!
S-what do you mean. R-she means she's dating Lou and he means that Harry is my boyfriend and he would never date a spoiled brat like you. You scream at every dress you like. Duh he's not gonna date you.
Everyone said ohhh.

Maybe its they she walks,

R-oh look it's him now let's ask him.
Right now either skylers head is about to pop off or she is really really mad. (Sorry if your name is Skyler)
H-hey babe--
R-Harry I have a question.
R-well someone wanted to know if you would like a spoiled brat that screams if she likes a dress and gets is.
H-umm no. And plus I have you. Who is this girl anyway.
R-oh no one but Skyler.
H-n to the o. I will never go out with a person that bullied my friend that's like a sister to me.

Burn Skyler in your face. I'm like so sorry if your name is Skyler that was the first name that popped into mind!
<3 you hope you liked it. ~~~~Louis2004

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