Chapter 6

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LT-then I'll have to do it right here.
EM-nope we are going to the doctor.
LT-ok miss stubborn. Paul go!


I grown.
I look around everything is blurry.
She hands me my glasses.
LT-she wears glasses!?and she's still pretty how does she do it?
I ask not hearing half of the sentence.
H-so here's some water.
I drink some and look down. I have a cast on my leg. 
EM-whoa what happened!
LP-you had to get stitches.
EM-nah dip Sherlock!
EL-we don't know. You cut your self somehow remember.
EM-no I don't.
R-do you remember any thing?
EM-I remember me being kidnapped. That's it. Who kidnapped me? How you get me back?
LT-I kidnapped you.
B-it was a prank.
M+EL-wow we are mean.
Everyone laughed!
N-umm.......who's hungry?
N-now that's what I wanna hear!
EM-WAIT! How long have I been out?!
M-about 3 weeks!
My eyes widen my date with Cody!
EM-my date with Cody crap!
EL-yeah he keeps asking if your ok!
Louis' smile went down and walk out the room.
EM-what's with him?
B-he likes you.
A tear went down my cheek.  I don't even think Cody cares about me anyway.
Just then my phone goes off.


I let it go to voicemail

N-why did you do that.
EM-can I just--------just have some time alone.
H-Niall I hear the pizza here is good.
N-yeah lets go try it.
They all walk out.
I call Cody back.
C-hey tonight I can't have dinner. My boss wants me to take the night and afternoon shift.
EM-it's ok I'll just go out with the girls.
C-alright thank you.
I text maddie and tell her they can comeback in. They barge in. Tears streaming down my face.
LT-shhh Emily it's ok.
EM-yeah I know. It's fine but what if he makes up this story to be with her my bully.
LP-than he's a jerk.
H-oh we found out the name of that girl it's Skyler.
EM-Skyler. Well. Than what if he makes this up to be with Skyler.
M-hey hey it's ok you got us and if y'all can't hang out tonight then we will hang out with you.
EL-now who wants to go to the mall.
Then Niall walks in with pizza on his mouth.
They check me out I have to get crutches and don't worry the girls helped me change. Now I'm wearing my contacts with a light blue dress and black converses. We walk out the hospital to see cameras flashing. I look to my right to find the guys gone I make my way through the crowd somewhat hitting people with my crutches and looking down. I look up and go as fast as I can to the car. When I got in everyone wasn't there. Man. This is going to be hard to explain.


I look up from my phone a hour later. Thank god Paul was in the car. To see the girls and the boys banging on the windows.
EM-Paul! Unlock the doors.
P-oh right.
He opens the they all jump in shut the doors and lock them.
N-I almost fainted.
H-never again.
LP-is everyone ok.
M-wow that was fun.
R-yeah to you.
EL-omg my legs hurt.
LT-how did she get in here.
He pointed to me.
EM-I hit some people with my crutches. And walked/run/limped to the car! Where did y'all go I almost got trampled.
H-used the back door
EM-and you didn't tell me.
N-I thought you said everyone was listening.
He hits Lou and they start arguing.
They look at me.
EM-Paul. Mall. Go.
P-yes miss sass.
P-you heard me I said 'miss sass.'

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