Chapter 30.

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Emily pov
I don't remember anything..... From when we got in the car of course. "What do we do now?" I ask. "I'm we could go to the bus and play a bored game!" Liam answers. "QUELF!" Brittany screams. "Huh?" Isaac asked. "YAY!" I scream. We all tell the boys how to play then we play it. "Ok so I call the red." Louis says. "I call blue!" I say. "Green!" Niall says. "Purple!" Liam says. "Black!" Brittany and Isaac scream then look at each other.


After we finish playing......(have some good videos of it on my phone) we watch a movie. "WE WILL direction this is us?" Brittany asked. Us Girl nod. "YAAAASSSSS!" Louis screams. After the movie I get in my cute zebra pants and a peach sleeveless shirt. To sleep in. "Night." I say walking to bed. "Night."


"AHHHH!" I scream waking up. "Shhh Emily it was just a dream." Louis calms. I have tears rolling down my cheeks. "No it wasn't it was a nightmare." Just then I fill a huge pain in my stomach. "Ahh!" Louis holds me when I cry into his chest. "I'm sorry." I say. "For what,love." " got waking you." "Its fine. Wanna talk about it?" "Nah it was just a bad dream I'm fine." I say even though it was a lie and I'm pretty sure he knows that. "Worst lie a girl can tell." He says getting up to go to the living room area. "Wait Lou wait for me!" I say standing up walking with him. When we reach the living area I walk into the kitchen. "Want tea?" A male voice asked behind me?" I jump and turn around. "W-W-Who are you?" I asked. "No one you need to know." "LO--!" I scream but was cut off but having a cold metal to my back. "Dad?" I ask scared. "Right." Louis rushed in. "E-Emily?" Louis asked. "Louis this is my dad. Dad this is Louis. " I says trying to stay calm. "Take a step and she gets it." My dad said moving the gun to my gut. "I'm sorry Louis just let me go with him..." I say quietly. "Smart girl!" Dad says. "Louis what's...:....wrong?" Harry says walking in. "Mr tater?" He asked. I nod. "Ok let's go Emily we need to have a little chit chat!"

Cliff hanger!

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