Chapter 20

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Raelins pov
R-Um me and Harry can't ride anything!
N-but you can still come right?
He asked with a puppy dog face.
H-yeah it'll be fine right!?
He asks with a fake smile.
R-yeah I guess.
We walk to the car and get in. On the way there we talk but I stay quit I don't know why I just wish that something fun will happen I mean we are living in like 3 days. I'm surprised that Louis didn't scream that instead of Niall! But anyway I just wanna get lose and have fun. I can wait to get this cast off. I can't even imagine what Harry fills like. We all get out of the car when we get there. Me and Harry walk away from the rest of the group.
H-so what you wanna talk about.
R- Dan Howell!
R-OMG it's Dan Howell! Look it's Dan Howell! OH MY GOD!
H-oh you mean you see him! Ahh ok! Please continue fan girling!
R-*screams* OMG!
I walk over to him dragging Harry be hind me. He looks at me and smiles. Then I slid on some ice. Everybody give a round of applause to clumsiest person of the year,REALIN!! Anyways I fall on my butt. The Harry helps me up. I try to run but I just slip and fall again. Wow! He walks over here to me.
Dan-trying to get somewhere.
Then I bust out laughing about what just happened. He looks at Harry he just shrugged his shoulder. Ok I know I'm laughing but my collarbone is in some pain. I pick my self up and hold onto Harry.
That came out as a question! Really Raelin really?
Dan-hi I see you a fan.
R-yeah you could say that.
H-oh no you should have saw her when she first saw you she was all like 'OMG ITS DAN HOWELL!'
He tries to mimic me. I blush and send him a glare.

Harry's pov
Oh I'm dead when we get back to the flat!

Realin pov
He is so dead when we get back to the flat!
R-my names Raelin!
Dan-I'm pretty sure you know my name so what's your friends name?
R-my friends name is Harry.
H-Hey I'm not just your friend am I?
R-you and I no we're so much more than friends Harry we are like this.
I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him.
H-yay I thought you meant latterly just friends.
Dan-*coughs* umm well you guys wanna get some coffee and get to know each other.

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