Chapter One

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 Yesterday was really awkward. I was at my locker when Theo and Marcus walked up to me. They're my brothers. 

Theo said," Hey Brandon!" 

I Said," Hey." 

I was a little annoyed whenever they talked to me cause we ended up about my crush Nikki. I mean I liked them but they kept making me want to strangle them to death! 

Anyways we started a conversation about the latest stuff and then somehow Nikki got involved.

Next thing I knew Marcus said, "Just ask her out. You can't keep avoiding it. One day you'll say it. Might as well make it today."  

Yeah right like he had the nerve to ask Chole. I just said,"I don't want to so please can we talk about something else?" 

Theo was all up in my face but I ignored him and went back to my locker. 

Then when I looked down at my books I bumped into Nikki. Talk about awkward!

We kept blushing and staring until MacKenzie walked up. She was twirling her hair and all. 

I picked up my books and was about to leave but, the devil just had to block my way. 

Then Nikki left. Thank goodness! I hated it when MacKenzie made Nikki jealous because I never liked her. 

Then the devil put on lipgloss. Oh, come on! She's like a lipgloss addicted FREAK!

Then she said "Hey hon. I was about to ask you if you wanted to come to the mall with me."

If There's one thing I hate more than Mackenzie it's Shopping.

"Um...No Thanks."  Hey, I have my manners :) Then she just sashayed away. 

Did I mention I just hate it when that girl sashayed? Opps...Bell rang. Talk Later.


Well, guess what? The devil finally caught up with me and FORCED me to go with her.

 I was literally being dragged away. I tugged on my backpack to make sure it was still there. That was how fast we were going.

Luckily, by the time she called her butler, Nikki saved me!

"Hey, Brandon! The biology teacher wanted to talk to you."

I sighed a breath of relief. I nodded and smiled. Then I turned to Mac.

I put on my puppy face because come on, even I can pull strings around.

"Mac, look I really wanted to go, I really did! But I can't fail Bio. Maybe another time?"

She sighed and said, "Of course! I mean we could hang out anytime!"

 I nodded and when she let go of the death grip she had on me I walked over to the school.

Bio was my best subject so I knew that I had probably forgotten something in my essay because we had written one last week. The teacher was telling us our grades. Guess he wanted to let us know privately.


EDITED: 11/26/16

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