Chapter Twenty-Two

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Today's the big day! 

Nikki thought the theme should be light blue. To tell the truth I didn't actually care! Who actually cares when they are happy to be loved? All I want is Nikki and that's it.

I told her about the house and she said,"Wow! I can't believe it! Ummm....How about a week after the wedding? Is that ok?" 

I said,"Of course Nikki! And when is the wedding? Tomorrow?" 

She just smiled and left.


I guess that meant it was TOMORROW!!!! Ok, calm down, yes calm. Breathe... 

I am totally freaking out!!!! I need some rest NOW! 

It's 6:00 and Nikki's pulling me out of bed! I got up. Anyways I needed to know where it was. 

Nikki told me it was at a weird garden that looked very beautiful. Note to self: pay attention when she told me this last week.

Anyways I just hung around until 12:00. Then I went to check out this so-called garden.


Nikki, Chole, and Zoey were squealing. But Marcus and Theo were talking with each other.

This is so pretty! I mean who wouldn't think that? There were cherry blossoms and all the other stuff that I saw.

No wonder Nikki picked this place!

Then around 6:00 it started. 

We did our I do's. I was so nervous when the priest asked Nikki. I mean, what if she changed her mind?

But after she said I do, we exchanged rings. Then we partied!

I talked and ate mostly. 

Then the drama queen arrived! MacKenzie just walked up and said into the microphone- we used that to say stuff to the crowd- she said,"Hey! My wedding has been great so far!"

Then she kissed me!

This is the worst! Then she left. Everyone kept partying!

But Nikki and the rest of the gang were glaring at me.

Dang, it!

Why did she have to ruin it? I went over to the gang. They, thankfully, believed me and they realized that MacKenzie wanted to ruin the wedding.

Phew! Then I explained to Nikki that it wasn't my fault (mostly) and that I didn't know it was going to happen.

She nodded and we kept on partying. 

Then, soft music began to play and Nikki and I danced. Later on, I left to hang out with the guys. I wished I could've danced some more but my feet were sore.

The wedding was over we took pictures. It was the best day of my life. I made sure that everyone saw the ring on my finger and I was pretty sure Nikki was showing it off too.

When everyone left me and Nikki packed our suitcases and left them in our apartment.

We went to a restaurant and they gave us the things we ordered for free. I was happy because the people knew and that was more than enough, even though I wished the entire world knew.

Lucky us! 

Ok, now we're home. I can't sleep but that's okay! As long as I have Nikki, I will always be okay.


Edit: 2/16/17

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