The Vampire Named...

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I remained silent as Seras gave us a tour of the house. The rest of the Wild Geese had been shown to their quarters and were probably already fast asleep. I didn't blame them. The day had been a long one, and I was ready to fall asleep myself. Currently, though, I was walking down a long hallway beside Pip. The captain had insisted on touring the house and I didn't think he should be alone with Seras. Not that I didn't trust the blonde woman, I just didn't trust Pip around her.

"Cara? Cara! You still alive in there?" Pip called and poked my cheek, breaking me out of my train of thought. I pushed him away and scrunched my nose angrily, causing him to laugh. "How like you, ma chérie! We are being given a tour in a huge mansion by a vampire no less, and you are lost in your own little world." He poked my cheek once more and chuckled.

"I thought you'd had enough poking for one night, Captain," I growled in annoyance.

Captain Bernadotte blushed furiously and adjusted his hat so that it covered his tomato red face. "Come now, ma chérie," he stammered out. "Have a sense of humor." His accent had become extremely thick, something that only happened when he was nervous or embarrassed. I smiled. Good. You deserve it.

"Well, this is the whole house," Seras said as we came to a stop in front of the Wild Geese's quarters." Pip and I thanked her and were about to go inside when she stopped us. "Umm, actually, Miss Harker..." She looked nervous and I smiled at her kindly. "The master wishes for you to be rooming downstairs in the basement."

My eyes widened. I was about to protest, but Pip beat me to it. "I don't think that would be a good idea, Miss Seras. Cara has nightmares..." he trailed with a worried glance at me.

I smacked his chest. "You wanna say it a little louder so the whole house knows?" I scolded him. "I'll be fine," I assured the brown-eyed soldier. "Get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning." Pip gave me one last concerned look before heading inside.

I smiled at Seras. "Let's go then." The blonde returned my smile and motioned for me to follow her. "Oh, by the way, you can just call me Cara."

Seras smiled and nodded. "Alright." I noticed her accent was rougher than Walter and Sir Integra's. She was probably Cockney or something like that. I wondered how she had ended up in this mess. "Sorry about this, by the way, but the master insisted. Don't worry though, you'll be right next door to my room so you can just yell if anything happens."

She stopped in front of a large mirror in the corridor. I was about to ask what Seras was doing when she slid it open, revealing a hidden passageway. Just how big is this house? "So how do you and Captain Bernadotte know each other?" Seras asked conversationally.

"I ran away from home when I was eighteen," I began. "At the time, I had been living in a house in America. I spent a few years travelling around and getting myself into trouble. One day, I found myself caught in the middle of a border skirmish between some countries in Africa. The Wild Geese had been working a job at the time. Pip saved me from a defective grenade. I've been with him ever since."

For a moment, I thought Seras was angry with me or something. Her silence was deafening. When I looked over, the blonde was staring at me, her blue eyes wide in amazement. "That is so cool!" she finally gushed. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "So... are you and the captain... together?" She said again after a moment.

I glanced at the vampire with a raised eyebrow. Is she asking what I think she's asking? Before I could respond, Seras got a call on her cell phone. She mouthed 'Sorry' to me before answering. "Yes, sir? I'm here with her now, sir." From her tone, I guessed it was Sir Integra on the phone. "I'll get on it right away Sir Integra."

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