My World

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Before I could register what was happening, I had already rolled to the side and dodged Mina's attack. She landed on her feet in the exact spot I had been less than ten seconds ago. I stared at the ground in amazement at my own reflexes. How...

Mina growled, obviously irritated. "You are a vampire now. My body has awakened with its full potential once more and that cannot be undone. Therefore, you now have a vampire's reflexes. Perhaps they'll help you survive a few more seconds!" Mina snarled again and lunged at me once more. Instead of rolling away, however, I jumped up at the last second and landed behind her with little more than a thud.

The black-haired woman swung towards me again, but her movements were sloppy and unpracticed. A small memory came unbidden to my mind from my conversation with Alucard when he was telling about his past, about the woman I now knew as Mina.

'She had very little interest in fighting,' he'd said. 'She preferred to spend her time shopping for new dresses than sparring with me.'

'She sounds boring,' I'd replied, wrinkling my nose.

He'd chuckled and pulled me close, kissing me softly. 'It wasn't my best moment. Eventually I'd managed to teach her some self-defense, but she was awkward on the battlefield, relying more on her powers than her own skill.'

Suddenly, I understood exactly how to win this battle for my mind. "Mina!" I called, causing her to pause momentarily. "How about another deal? You love those, right?" I smirked as she glared at me and straightened.

"What could you possibly have that I want?" she practically spit, her face contorted into what I supposed was a smug grin.

"Alucard," I said. As I expected, Mina immediately perked up. "You and I both know that as long as I'm around, his heart is mine. But if you kill me, he'll move on, eventually, and come running back to you."

Mina placed a hand on her hip and raised one finely threaded eyebrow. "What exactly did you think I was trying to do ten seconds ago?"

"I know," I smirked. "But you suck at hand to hand." The comment earned me a glare from the black-haired woman but I didn't care. "So, I'll give you a fighting chance. Let's settle this quick and easy, the way he would want us to."

Mina nodded, understanding immediately. She smiled and suddenly we were in front of the Hellsing manor. Something cold and metallic filled one of my hands. I looked down to see my Colt shining up at me, its white handle gleaming.

I glanced up at Mina, who was now holding a revolver, and raised a brow. "Theatrics are an old indulgence of mine," she said with a shrug. "Besides, I figured you'd want to see your old home one last time."

"Don't worry," I told her firmly. "I'll see it again shortly. You won't though." Without another word, I raised the gun and pointed it directly at her, pulling back the hammer silently.

We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, staring each other down. I took a deep breath and aimed the gun. True, I wasn't as good as Alucard or Seras when it came to shooting, but I was confident enough in my skill to hit Mina from this distance, especially considering I now had enhanced eyesight.

Unfortunately, I never got the chance because just as I was about to pull the trigger, Mina lowered her hand, pouting. "Well this is no good," she declared in disappointment. I raised an eyebrow, prompting her, and she continued, "I need drama, theatrics! Shooting you, while satisfying, is far too dull a death for you." She grinned evilly. "How about we make things interesting?"

Before I could demand what the hell she meant, a figure appeared before me where she stood. I watched in horror as the familiar red coat and wide-brimmed hat took shape over Alucard's pale face. "But... how?" I breathed, suddenly horrified of the task before me.

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now