Rio de Janeiro

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Pip, as it turned out, would be fine for the next mission. Walter provided me with some cream – I had no idea what it was, but I knew better than to question strangeness in Hellsing – that healed his wound almost instantly. Aside from some whining over why Walter hadn't handed the cream over earlier, he was good as new.

Currently, I was on my way to Sir Integra's office. No, I hadn't forgotten that Alucard was supposed to pick me up, but Seras stopped by on the way to her room and, well, I wasn't exactly happy at being forgotten. Jeez, it's only been a few hours and he's already forgotten about me. Some boyfriend he is. Part of me wanted to cut him some slack seeing as it was his first relationship in over a century, but another, larger part of me wanted to beat the crap out of him.

I stopped at the door when I heard voices. "I assume you've heard the news?" Walter's voice floated through the door.

"Yes." Alucard's voice came out as a low growl, and he sounded irritated.

"The Nazis again," Walter scoffed. "It's unbelievable. But now here we are, fifty years later." Wait a minute, I paused, processing the information. Nazis? Like, German Nazis? Are they serious right now?

Alucard's chuckle broke my train of thought. "Is it really that surprising?" he asked. "I had a feeling they might be involved. This whole mess feels very familiar." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Of course you did.

"Oh?" Walter said. "And why is that?"

"Why is that?" Alucard echoed. "You're asking why after all we've been through. There's not a lot of people who are willing to enlist the undead to do their fighting. There's you, there's them, and then there's me." He paused and I felt a shiver go down my spine. "We assumed their undead research institute was completely destroyed over fifty years ago during the war. We killed every last Nazi we found, don't you remember?"

"Oh, yes. We did, didn't we? God, it's been ages." I was stunned by Walter's nonchalant tone.

"Growing old seems so awful," Alucard's voice was almost pitiful.

Walter soon corrected that however. "Nonsense," he said. "Curmudgeonism is a traditional pleasure for English gentlemen." Walter paused, and I could tell he was being serious now. "Alucard, we're sending you South America. We're not the sort of people used to backing down, especially when someone has clearly tried to pick a fight."

"Huh," Alucard chuckled. "That is a very British attitude. Perhaps some discretion might suit you better." My blue eyes widened. If Alucard thinks doing this quietly is a good idea, then these guys must be pretty tough.

"If something can be achieved easily, it probably isn't worth it," Walter answered easily.

"Good evening, Miss Harker." I immediately jumped back from the door in guilt as Sir Integra raised an eyebrow at me. "Working on your spying skills, are you?"

I blushed furiously at being caught red-handed. "Well, you see... I..." I stammered as I looked for an excuse. Finally, I sighed and told her what had happened.

Sir Integra listened intently before nodding. "I see. So Alucard stood you up." I nodded, my cheeks red from embarrassment. "Well, I'll be sure to let him know how a gentleman should treat his lady."

"Oh please, no, Sir Integra." I raised my hands in protest. "You don't have to do that. I wouldn't want him to know that I said something to you. I was just a little upset, that's all."

The blonde woman smiled at me, a rare thing from our master. "Trust me on this, Cara," she said. "I can be blunt at times, but I do know how to be subtle. You should get back to your room before they catch you." I nodded and thanked her before stepping away. "Good evening, gentlemen," Integra's voice reached my ears as she stepped into the office. I left before I heard anything else.

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now