The Final Stand

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"Don't you see now, my dear?" Mina laughed as the women lunged at me, growling and hissing. I moved as quickly as possible, thanking my instincts as fighter as well as a vampire. "You are not the first, and you will most certainly not be the last."

I tried to respond, but a claw across my cheek cut me off with a hiss of pain. "You devoured all these women?"

"Well, of course," she cackled. "I had the quite the style back in my day. I was even nicknamed by a local newspaper!" Mina laughed again, and I could see the blood dripping through the hole in her cheek. "You are not special, Cara. You're a nobody stealing my body. Now I'm taking it back." She pounced, pinning me down with her hand at my throat.

I glared up at my doppelgänger with a mix of hatred and despair. I tried to struggle, but the other women held me down. I can't die here. I won't. I won't lose to her.

"Give it up, little girl. Your infatuation is nothing. You died a rat and have returned a thief. You will get a thief's reward!"

"Enough!" Everything stopped. The women froze, not daring to move a muscle. Even Mina stood still, terrified to face the owner of the booming voice behind me. "Step away from the girl." The ladies obliged. I stood, keeping my eyes on Mina as she moved towards him. The women encircled us, but they no longer cared about me. Mina was right; blood is the currency of the soul. We had all died and come here. Now we all shared a common trait: every single one of us was madly in love with him.

I had just been lucky enough to win when Mina woke up.

The though struck a chord in me. I stepped back, my knees buckling a little. He stepped towards me, but I managed to choke out one word. "Don't." Just like that, he himself seemed to freeze, his only sign of life being the crimson eyes that studied my every move. Mina watched me as well, but she stayed by his side. What a pretty picture they make, I thought, gasping for air I didn't really need. How perfect they are for each other.

And what was I? An intruder. A stupid little girl playing house in a body that wasn't mine with a man who loved someone else.

And how he loved her. I could see it in the way she seemed to fit perfectly at his side, in the way their movements complimented one another's. They didn't need to speak or look at each other to know what the other was thinking. They had passed that point long ago. She was his and he was hers. Hers. Not mine. I just borrowed him for a time. Looking at them, I understood it all. They were the immortals, and I was an insignificant pawn in the game who had gotten a little too big for her britches. I would be gone from his memory soon enough, and that would be that.

"Cara!" I snapped out of my self-pitying daze at the sound of a familiar voice. It wasn't his, though. This voice was male as well, but French. Pip. He sounded worried, panicked even. "Cara, wake up!" My body felt like it was being shaken vigorously.

I turned towards the sound, but was immediately stopped by Mina. She bared her fangs, smirking at me. "Not this time, brat. My body."

"I said that's enough." He spoke again and Mina immediately paused, hesitant. I didn't turn around. I didn't want to see him again. Not the way he was with her. Even his voice was different. He was colder now, more distant. He wasn't doing this for me. He was just trying to diffuse a situation before my body – her body – was destroyed.

It enraged me more than anything else. I reached forward, grabbing the vampire by her throat. She clawed and hissed at me, but I moved quickly, not reacting or hesitating. In one swift move, I pulled her heart from her chest and ripped off her head, tossing each one in a different direction. The women hissed and cowered, disappearing in a wisp of smoke.

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