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Pip was unusually upset with me. When we arrived back at the manor, I was promptly informed by one of the Wild Geese that the captain was sulking in the shooting range. I groaned and ignored Alucard's chuckle as I made my way toward the shooting range.

"Was your human not aware that you were coming with us?" the vampire questioned as he followed me.

"Oh, he was aware all right," I responded. "He just wasn't aware that he wasn't coming as well. And I already told you, he's not mine," I added in annoyance. "Stop calling him that. It's creepy." Alucard merely chuckled. I glared at him and continued walking.

Unfortunately, my feet had other plans. The world moved in slow motion as I tripped over myself. My hands stretched out to catch my own fall and I landed with a thud. I groaned as I stood and looked myself over. My hands were scraped and had started to bleed.

"Thanks so much for the help," I told Alucard sarcastically while I inspected my hands. It was just a scrape, I had had worse, and I could bandage it up after I saw Pip. I hadn't realized that the vampire never responded until I was pushed against the wall for the second time that day. This time however, Alucard had my hands in his viselike grip and his eyes were glowing crimson. "Hey, knock it off!" I struggled futilely against the vampire. "Let me go!"

But Alucard wasn't listening. He bent his head toward my hands and I watched in horror as his tongue flicked out. I fought the shudder that ran through my body when his tongue made contact with my hand. The feeling was somehow painful and pleasurable at the same time. His red eyes widened as the taste of my blood registered. Before I could react, he released my hand and grabbed the back of my neck instead, pulling me to him in a rough kiss.

At first, I was still with shock. Before I knew what I was doing however, my body had begun to react. One hand reached up to his neck and pulled him closer of its own accord while the other tangled itself in his hair and tugged gently, emitting a moan from the vampire. I pressed my mouth against his and felt his tongue against my lips, pleading for entry.

I felt his chuckle vibrate through my body when I refused him. Alucard bit my lip gently, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to evoke a gasp from me. The sly vampire took his opening and deepened the kiss. I tasted the metallic tang of my own blood on Alucard's lips. His hand moved from my neck into my hair while his free hand snaked around my waist and pressed me impossibly closer.

His mouth moved down to my neck and sucked lightly. I moaned, evoking another chuckle from the vampire. He pressed a light kiss to my lips and suddenly, I felt his fangs at my throat. I was not afraid. Just before he bit into me, however, the vampire paused. I froze, my breathing heavy. Suddenly, he shoved me away from him. My back hit the wall and I stared at him in shock. What the hell was that?

"You taste like her." Alucard had his back to me and his voice was a whisper. "You look like her. You even act like her!" I flinched as the vampire snarled and turned to me once more, his expression angry. His face softened when he realized he had frightened me. His voice lowered once more as he continued, "And yet you are not her."

"I'm not who?" I whispered in return. My blue eyes stared into his red ones as I tried to search for some kind of answer. What are you thinking? I wondered, knowing full well he could hear my thoughts.

Alucard stepped away from me, his hard mask in place once more. "No one," he told me harshly. "What happened a moment ago... I lost control of myself. It won't happen again. I'm sorry." He looked down the hallway, his posture stiff.

"I'm not," I told him boldly. The vampire looked at me abruptly, his red eyes wide with shock. "I find I quite enjoyed that. Please Alucard," I added. "Feel free to lose control of yourself more often." I flashed the stunned vampire a mischievous smile before turning on my heel and walking down the hallway. I heard Alucard chuckle behind me in disbelief and I felt my smile secretly change into a grin of victory.

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now