The Queen

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"What are you wearing?" I demanded as I stared at Pip. Seras' giggles could be heard from behind me as she tried to hide her laughter. Not that I could blame her; even I had a hard time keeping a straight face.

The captain glared at me, but his serious expression merely made the contrast with his bright pink t-shirt even funnier. "Oh, shut up," he ordered angrily. "It's your fault for leaving my suitcase on the jet."

"Do I look like your maid?" I replied with a raised eyebrow. Pip seemed ready to respond, but my warning look silenced him.

"Where is that vampire of yours, anyway?" asked the captain, obviously trying to change the subject. "We need to go."

I shrugged. "Maybe he saw your outfit and decided a boat would be better."

Before Captain Bernadotte could reply with a witty retort, Alucard himself appeared at my side. I glanced at him, but he was busy staring at Pip. We all waited for a long moment as he studied the captain. Finally, Alucard shook his head and pushed past Pip towards the jet, muttering about how strange humans were.

I couldn't hold in my laughter any longer. Seras and I burst out laughing, clutching our sides in pain. Pip crossed his arms and waited patiently for the two of us to catch our breaths.

"Are you two done?" he asked after a long while. We nodded and straightened up, making our way onto the jet after Alucard.

I sat beside the dark-haired vampire; he had left me the window seat, so I leaned against the wall of the jet and stared outside as we took off. Beside me, I could hear Pip, Seras, and Alucard discussing some meeting we would be attending upon arrival, but I quickly lost interest.

Alucard's gentle shaking was what woke me. In truth, I hadn't even realized that I had fallen asleep until he told me we had arrived. I stood and stretched sleepily. As we made our way off the jet, I rubbed sleep from my eyes. Even so, I had to blink a few times to make sure the vision before me wasn't a dream.

Buckingham Palace loomed in front of us, glinting in the moonlight. It was even more beautiful than the pictures. I looked over at Pip, who was gaping at the structure, open-mouthed. Smirking, I nudged the captain with my shoulder. "Never thought you'd be flown to Buckingham Palace in a private jet owned by the Vatican?" I asked jokingly.

Captain Bernadotte glanced at me and shook his head in disbelief before glancing back up at the house. "We've come a long way from that dirty old sand trap." I nodded and watched the two vampires, who had already begun walking inside. If someone had told me a month ago that I would be attending a meeting for a secret organization which hunts vampires with my boyfriend, the king of vampires, I probably would have laughed in their face or punched them in the throat.

The walk through the palace was silent as Alucard led us. I was slightly curious about the fact that he seemed to know his way around as if were back at Hellsing, but I was almost certain the answer would only pique my curiosity further. Finally, we reached the room where Sir Integra and the others were waiting.

Alucard entered first with Seras at his side while Pip and I trailed behind. "We have returned to you, my master," greeted the dark-haired vampire. He moved to stand beside Sir Integra, who was seated at the head of the rectangular table – Walter stood behind her patiently, of course – while Pip followed Seras to stand beside a group of men I didn't recognize who were seated together on one side of the table. I went to stand behind the only man I did recognize: Enrico Maxwell.

He was seated alone opposite to the group of men. I pretended to ignore the look of disdain he shot me as I moved to the wall behind him. Pip met my eyes with a questioning look and I nodded; he had never met Maxwell, but I had informed him of our encounter at the museum that night.

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now