Don't Test Me

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It seemed I was destined to not get any sleep that night because shortly after I had changed into my nightwear, I heard a soft knocking on my door.

"Ma chérie?" Pip's voice called softly. "Are you awake?" I groaned and pulled open the door. He looked over my tank top and boy shorts before continuing, "Nice pajamas."

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "What do you want, Pip?" I asked tiredly. "I'm exhausted so if we could please hurry this up..." I trailed off and motioned for him to speak.

The captain immediately sobered up. "Actually," he chuckled nervously and pointed at the bandage on his forehead I had applied earlier from when Seras had poked him. It was red, and I could tell he would need it replaced before the end of the night.

With a sigh, I motioned for him to come in. "Sit," I ordered. Captain Bernadotte immediately did as he was told and waited for me patiently as I pulled out my medical kit. Once I had all my supplies, I placed it on a nearby chair and carried it all to the bed where Pip was waiting. I motioned for him to scoot over so I could sit cross-legged on the large bed and brought the chair slightly closer.

Once I was comfortable, Pip took his hat off and laid down with his head on my lap without needing any prompting. We shouldn't be so used to bandaging each other up, I thought sadly as I unwrapped the gauze from his head.

"What's wrong?" Pip asked, sensing my sadness as usual.

I shook my head at him. "Your wound is worse than I thought," I covered easily. "You might need stitches." Pip nodded and I reached for some alcohol and cloths to clean up his wound. I heard him suck in air as I pressed a wet cloth to his forehead. "It's your own fault," I told him. "I don't know why you felt the need to provoke her like that."

Pip sighed. "I don't know, ma chérie. I didn't know what else to do," he said. I had never seen the captain so at a loss before. "She was just so... different."

I chuckled. "You looove her," I teased.

Pip glared at me. "I do not!" exclaimed the captain, but his red face and intensified accent gave him away. I laughed at his blush as I reached for a dry cloth.

"It's alright," I told him. "She seems to like you too." Pip's eyes widened. "She was asking me about you the entire way down here." I considered who else had asked me about Pip on the way here and blushed lightly. "And... I suppose I can't blame you for being surprised by her appearance entirely," I conceded. "Seras wasn't exactly what I was expecting either. I pictured someone a bit more like..." I trailed off, unwilling to mention the other vampire as if the mention of his name alone might summon him. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

"Alucard?" Pip finished for me and I nodded. He sighed and glanced up at the ceiling. "He's certainly different from Seras." I remained silent and reached for a needle and the suture thread. Pip glanced up at me, noting my odd silence. "Don't tell me, you've fallen in love with him?"

I stared at my captain, wide-eyed, and heat rose to my cheeks. "Of course not!" I exclaimed. "I just met him!"

"Then why are you blushing?" asked Pip. I glared at him. Why are you so damn perceptive when it comes to me? Suddenly, a memory came unbidden to my mind. Do you love him? I looked down into Pip's eyes and realized just how close the two of us were to each other. I had bent down to start on his stitches, so our faces were inches apart.

"I..." I started. Straightening up, I took a deep breath and continued. "I don't think of him like that. He's a co-worker, that's all," I told Pip. "I'm not as quick as you when it comes to love, Captain." Pip smiled up at me, oblivious to my strange behavior. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure if everything I had just said was entirely true, and I was terrified of finding out.

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now