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"No," Pip said firmly the next day as we sat inside the house Integra had managed to procure for us. Seras and I sat beside him at the kitchen bar while Alucard leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "No way. It won't work. C'est impossible."

"But getting home will take an extra week by boat," whined Seras. I fought the urge to smirk. Seras could be a total badass at times, but she could also be incredibly childish – not that I was much better.

The captain shook his head and took a sip of his Big Gulp. He and Seras had gone out earlier to retrieve food for those of us who needed it. I would have gone with him instead, but both Alucard and Pip insisted that I stay and rest – the only thing they could actually agree on, it seemed. "Private jet is out of the question. And we can't leave his big box here, can we?" Captain Bernadotte motioned towards Alucard's coffin. The captain had returned to the hotel after our little escape and managed to retrieve anything that would link us to the incident.

Alucard moved towards his coffin and sat on it, stealing my attention. He placed a gentle hand on the box. "Within this box is my own true kingdom," he said mysteriously, though his expression was soft. "It's where I was born, and where I'll die."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the vampire. I had grown out of the phase where his cryptic words were intriguing to me. I knew that Alucard had a dark past and when he was ready to tell me about it, he would. His attempts to make me curious had long outworn themselves.

Before anyone could respond, the front door blew open. We all stood and drew our weapons, glaring at the figure in the doorway. My eyes widened as I realized exactly who the tall man was.

He moved past Pip and Seras, his green eyes filled with bloodlust. "I've had enough, Anderson!" Alucard roared as he stepped between Anderson and I, refusing to allow Iscariot's paladin anywhere near me. Anderson roared and swung at the vampire at the same time Alucard aimed his own fist at the blond man. Anderson's glasses were knocked off his face but both men stood facing each other, grinning madly as they pointed their weapons at one another.

Suddenly, Seras roared and moved to swing her own gun at Anderson, but one glare from the paladin sent her to her knees. Anderson turned and through a piece of paper into the air, sticking it to the wall with a thrown bayonet. Seras squeaked as the paper and bayonet landed inches from her head.

Pip, Alucard, and I glared at him with weapons ready as we waited for an explanation. Instead of looking at Alucard, Anderson glanced past him and spoke directly to me. "The Vatican has a small private jet 13 kilometers north of here," he said curtly. Despite his tone, it seemed that I was the only one he could look at without glaring. "There's your release paper. Our people are expecting you." He turned back to Alucard once more and his expression hardened into one of hatred. "So take it and get the hell out of here before I decide to decapitate you again."

Alucard nodded and we remained tense until Anderson was safely away from the premises. As nothing had just happened, I placed a hand on my hip and looked at the dark-haired vampire. "What did he mean by again?"

"Long story," replied Alucard. He turned to smirk at me, but his eyes were tired. I realized with a start that Alucard hadn't eaten or slept at all since we arrived in Rio. I wasn't entirely sure what the health requirements were for vampires, but I was certain that Alucard would need sustenance and soon.

I moved toward him and grabbed his hand softly. "Come on," I said, leading him towards one of the only two bedrooms in the house. Alucard had been watching over me during my recovery in one room while Pip and Seras shared the other one. I wasn't clear on the relationship between those two, but the pile of sheets on the floor which were visible from the doorway as we walked by clued me in.

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now