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He didn't give me time to react. Suddenly, I was enveloped in soft red fabric as Alucard wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "You're here," he breathed softly, his lips pressed against my hair. As quickly as he had embraced me, Alucard pushed me away and gripped both my shoulders as he inspected me carefully. "Are you alright?" he demanded. "Did they harm you in any way?"

I felt myself nod and smile at the dark-haired vampire. "I'm quite alright, love," Mina replied using my voice. No! I wanted to scream. Alucard, that's not me! Don't trust her!

Don't bother, Mina's voice filled my mind. He can't hear you. I watched, horrified, as Alucard looked me up and down before finally deciding that I really was alright. Once more, I was pulled to the dark-haired vampire, but this time he pressed his lips roughly to my own.

That was the one and only time I wanted to push Alucard off me. To my disgust, Mina responded all too eagerly, reaching up to twist my fingers in his hair.

Suddenly, it was though a switch had flipped. I felt myself being pushed against the wall roughly, and not in a good way. Alucard had one gloved hand around my throat and the other holding his prized Jackal, the barrel of which was aimed at my head. His crimson eyes were blazing with fury.

"Who are you and where is Cara?" he growled.

Fear coursed through me, but Mina merely smirked at the dark-haired vampire. In the blink of an eye, I was on the other side of the room with my hands on my hips and an evil grin on my lips. "My, my," I heard myself say. "How did you know? I thought I played the part quite convincingly."

"You may look and smell like her," Alucard began, his expression smug despite his rage. "But you don't act like her, you don't talk like her, you don't even kiss like her." The dark-haired vampire laughed mockingly. "There is no one else in this world like Cara. Besides, I know how to recognize what is and isn't mine."

I felt myself stiffen at his words; Alucard had hit a nerve and his grin meant he knew it. "Yours?" Mina screeched with my voice. Before he could respond, I was running at him. Alucard smirked and I was on the ground, his hand around my throat once more.

"So," he growled, his hand crushing my windpipe. "Are you going to tell me who you are or shall I just rip out your throat right now?" I grinned despite the current situation.

"Have you really forgotten me already, my dear count?" Alucard's eyes widened as a wave of realization crashed over him. Suddenly, the pressure around my throat disappeared and Alucard was on the other side of the room, staring at me wildly. I stood calmly and dusted off my pants. "I really should thank you, you know," I continued. "If it hadn't been for your blood, I never would have been able to take back my body."

Alucard stiffened but remained expressionless. "I thought you were dead," he said, though his tone wasn't exactly sorrowful; instead he seemed annoyed by Mina's appearance.

I smiled and moved toward the dark-haired vampire, stopping just short of touching his chest. He remained stock still as I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair. His crimson eyes burned into my blue ones warily, but I continued to act as though nothing was wrong. "But I'm not," I whispered softly.

Alucard's voice was a broken whisper. "What have you done with Cara?"

The cracking sound of my hand on Alucard's cheek echoed throughout the room. I wanted to reach out and hug him, to burst into tears and apologize for the pain I had caused him. Unfortunately, Mina's hold on my body allowed me to do nothing but watch in horror.

"Cara is dead, Vladimir."

He shook his head disbelievingly. "No," he breathed. "You're lying."

I narrowed my eyes at the vampire. "I'm not," I said firmly. "Cara is dead. She's been dead for over a century."

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now