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The world fell still. No one moved, no one spoke. After a moment, I felt Alucard shift beside me, pulling his hand away from his face. I cleared my throat and stood, wiping my own eyes. In an instant, he was up and reaching for me, but I stepped back, shaking my head. "Don't." His crimson eyes widened slightly and he opened his eyes to speak, but we were interrupted by the sound of clapping. I looked up and my breath caught in my throat.

He was unscathed, surprisingly. I vaguely noticed that he was dressed differently, wearing a darker suit and gloves. He stepped closer to Alucard and eye, his expression unreadable. "Wa... Walter!" I called out. I stepped towards him eagerly, but Alucard grabbed my arm, pulling me back. He was tense and suspicious, studying the butler carefully. I looked back at Walter but froze when stepped forward again, grinding his boot into Anderson's remains. My mouth opened to speak, but no sound came out.

"Trash," the old butler finally said, his voice cold and uncaring. "When a human dies, it becomes trash. Furthermore, there is no purpose in burying trash. Is there... Integra?" Walter turned to look at her as we all stared in shock. Walter had never disrespected Integra, and he had never dared to use something other than her title. This isn't Walter. It can't be. The Walter we knew was kind and caring. He was funny and so obviously British. This was... an abomination.

"Walter!" Seras called out. She seemed at a loss for words, just like the rest of us. "He... just what in the world did..."

"'What happened to me?'" He spoke for her, smirking. His eyes were cold as ice. I had only seen eyes like that in the Major. "I was taken and transformed into a vampire. Following that, my mind was washed clean, effectively removing any reservations that I would have had from fighting." I stepped back, shocked at his nonchalant tone. He was still smirking at us in that mocking way. Alucard stepped in front of me protectively. "I just thought that if I answered, it would satisfy you, Seras. I stand here without life, unlike many others before me. I stand here as myself, as Walter C. Dolneaz."

"Why, Walter?" Integra called out, stepping towards him pleadingly.

This only enraged the former butler, however. His smirk turned into a snarl and he raised his hand. It was at that moment that I noticed the razor-sharp wire around his hand. "Do not call me by that name any longer!" He roared and flicked his hand.

Maybe if I was still only human, I wouldn't have seen it. In fact, I doubt I would've realized what had happened. But I wasn't. I watched as the wire coiled up and sprang forward at Integra. My eyes widened. "No!" I screamed, running to Integra. Alucard and Seras called out to me, but the sound was muffled, drowned out by my blood pounding in my ears. I will not lose anyone else. I will not be too late. I reached Integra just as the wire came down, pushing her out of the way. Suddenly my hands were pressed against my chest. My entire body was caught up in Walter's wire as it dug into my skin. I hissed and grunted as it burned me. Of course, he'd be using silver.

I glared up at my former friend, but he didn't seem the least bit upset at the change. He was only a little surprised. "Mina Harker." He chuckled to himself, studying me. He smirked as my eyes widened at the name. "That's right, it's you. The only being who had their blood sucked by Alucard, 'Dracula', and also took his blood. The beginning of it all. It is said that Dracula was defeated by Hellsing and Mina turned back into a human." Alucard growled at the reminder but didn't move forward. I gasped as the wire tightened around me, digging into my flesh. "But Alucard did not die! Insider her, Alucard continued to exist. What she herself has turned into, continued to exist deep within her body. Your body." Walter looked down at me, frowning as he stepped closer and tightened the wire. Every breath hurt, every shift seemed to bring the wire even closer to cutting me apart. "None can stop me. I will not allow a single person to interfere with this mutiny."

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now