The Major

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When I came to, we were outside the hotel. I looked around to see a group of people standing over me. I seemed to be sitting on the ground against a large pole. Surrounding me was a large, pot-bellied man with blond hair and glasses, a woman with dark hair in a purple suit, a catlike boy who reminded me a bit of Seras, and the man who had taken me.

I tried to stand, but it seemed my wrists were handcuffed to the pole. The fat man laughed as I struggled. "Don't bother struggling, fraulein, " he told me in a thick German accent. "Not even you are strong enough to break through those." I attempted to deliver a biting retort, but my mouth was gagged, leaving the words as nothing more than muffled sounds. "Oh, right," said the man. "How are you supposed to tell me what I want to know when you can't even speak?" He laughed and turned to Alhambra. "Ungag her."

Alhambra nodded and moved to remove the cloth from my mouth. As soon as I could talk, I spit at the group. "You damn bastard!" I screamed. "You'll pay for this!" Immediately, I was silenced by a slap to the face.

My head snapped to the side from the force of the impact, causing my dark hair to fall in my face. I looked up at the catlike boy, who had slapped me and was now glaring at me. "How dare you speak to the Major in such a way?!" snarled the boy. "After everything he's done for you, awakening you after all those years –" He was cut off by the older man – the Major, I assumed – raising an arm to stop him.

"Now, now, Schrödinger," said the Major calmly. "You must remember that our dear Mina has no idea of the kindness we have done her." He looked down at me with a smile that was kind and yet cruel all at once. "But she will soon remember."

At the sound of my first name, I immediately stopped struggling. "How do you know my name?" I asked softly. My body was frozen in fear. I hadn't told anyone other than Pip that name until I came to Hellsing. The Major merely smiled even wider at my question. "How the hell do you know?" I screamed.

The Major bent down so that his face was inches from mine. "If you really want to know, then you'll have to give a few answers yourself. Why don't we start with your precious Alucard?" I stared at him, horrified.

"Shove it up your ass," I snarled at the Major. "I would die before betraying my friends."

He stepped away for a moment, his amusement. "Is that so?" His accent grated on my ears. Before he could speak, we were interrupted by the sound of screaming. The Major cocked his head and closed his eyes in pleasure. "Ah, yes," he sighed happily. "The show has begun."

He nodded to Alhambra, who slipped away out of sight, and turned to back to me. "You wish to die, fraulein?" Suddenly, Schrodinger appeared behind me, unlocking the cuffs. Almost immediately, the woman in purple grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me up. I struggled as she dragged me along, but the Major pretended not to notice. We stopped abruptly and I was jerked forward. "Then perhaps you should do so watching your precious Alucard die."

I fought back the urge to vomit at the sight below. With a sickening feeling in my stomach, I recognized the landscape of our hotel below. We weren't just outside the hotel; we were above it. The pole I had been handcuffed to was actually the antenna and the screaming which had interrupted us before were those of the SWAT team members whose bodies were now impaled on the flagpoles outside the hotel. Walking down the hotel steps was Alucard. I tried to scream his name, but my mouth immediately gagged once more.

"Now, now, Mina," cooed the Major. "We wouldn't want to interrupt the show, now would we?" I stared at him in horror and fear but Alhambra's words brought my attention back to the scene below.

"Oh my," commented Alhambra. Even though we were several stories up, I could somehow hear him perfectly. Then again, he wasn't exactly being quiet about it. "You really shouldn't play with your food. You certainly do live up to your reputation." Alhambra bowed as Alucard stopped a few feet away. "My name is Tubalcain Alhambra, Mr. Alucard, but some people have taken to calling me the Dandyman."

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now