A New Job

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As usual, everything was on fire. Not that that was surprising. Most days usually consisted of everything being on fire. That's kind of how it works when you're a mercenary. I tucked and rolled as a grenade whizzed past my ear. I felt the vibrations of the explosion throughout my body.

"Tell those assholes we're supposed to bomb the other guys!" One of my comrades yelled out to my right. I looked up to see him firing at the enemy from behind some rubble.

"Inbred motherfuckers don't give a shit," one of the others responded. "They got a dozen sisters at home to knock up." I rolled my eyes at their profane language. Every time things got a little heated, the Wild Geese would react the same way: with a lot of guns and even more cussing.

"That's not bad," another argued. "It works out to like two a day if you don't count Sundays." He would have continued but he was abruptly cut off.

"Shut up, shape up, and put your head back in the game!" Captain Bernadotte yelled at them. I turned to my left to see the captain firing at some unseen enemies behind another wall of rubble. He shot off a few rounds before turning back to us. "They dropped the bombs on us because we don't matter. We mean nothing. They blow us up and buy new ones."

I rolled my eyes and moved to stand next to him. "I think we can all agree there's no shortage of idiots willing to shoot guns for money," I told him over the sound of gunfire, earning a smile from my captain.

"This is no place for a young girl like you, ma chérie," he told me with mock concern, his face suddenly turning satirical. "You should leave before you get yourself killed. "Same old Pip, I thought fondly. Always worrying about everyone but himself.

"If I did that, who would keep you from getting yourself killed?" I asked him with fake sweetness. The captain glared at me, but I could tell from the smile playing on his lips that he was trying not to laugh. "Besides, I doubt any of these men could patch you up if you get hurt."

He laughed, a deep rumbling sound similar to that of the explosion. "Ma chérie," the captain chuckled, "all I need to heal myself is a kiss from you."

I returned his laugh with one of my own and leaned close to his ear so he could hear me. "I'll make you a deal, captain. Get out of this alive, then I'll give you that kiss."

Captain Bernadotte leaned back and laughed once more. "That's what you always say, ma chérie. Will you actually do it this time?"

I shrugged and turned to fire at some hostile attackers who were nearby. "Guess you'll just have to survive and find out."

The captain was about to reply when another one of the Wild Geese came up to us. "Captain, we've just got word that the palace has surrendered."

I groaned and Pip sighed. "That's just pathetic," I yelled. "Couldn't they at least try and put up a fight?"

"I guess this civil war is over," Pip said. "And we're out of a job."

I smiled mischievously and shot at another one of the attackers. "I've been working on something."

Pip groaned and threw a grenade. "Please tell me it's not another sand trap." At the same time, I threw one of my daggers. Bulls-eye, I smiled as the dagger lodged itself in an attacker's throat. A few seconds later, I heard the grenade go off followed by the silence that said we had won our battle.

I smiled and grabbed the captain's cowboy hat, putting it on over my long black hair. "There'll be no sand where we're going," I told him. "The next job." I paused for dramatic effect. Tilting it so that it covered my face, I looked up at the captain under the brim of the hat, my blue eyes twinkling with mischief. "Is in a city of fog..."

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