You Are Me

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I was ready when she came this time. I had been sitting down with my knees pulled up to my chest when she appeared before me. In truth, I had sensed more than seen her. Glancing up at her, I remained emotionless as our eyes met. She looked like some kind of fallen angel, beautiful yet dangerous. Her eyes were kind but now I could see a sort of ice behind them.

"Hello, Cara," she greeted softly. I nodded silently at the familiar stranger unsurprised at the fact that she knew my name. "You seem to be waiting for someone." Once more, I remained silent and continued to watch her, my face an expressionless mask.

The woman seemed to realize that I wasn't going to respond. She sighed and turned away so that I could only see her profile. I remained silent as she gazed out into the distance as if there were something to see other than the dark nothing.

"He's not coming, you know."

At this, I perked up. She didn't need to explain who 'he' was; I knew exactly what she meant, and she knew that I knew. The dark-haired woman smirked, obviously pleased that she had finally gotten a reaction.

"You don't know him like I do," I replied harshly. She could say all she liked about me, but Alucard was off limits. "He'll come, and when he does, you and all your friends will regret ever messing with Hellsing."

To my surprise, she laughed. "Oh really?" she said with a patronizing smile. "My dear Cara, I'm afraid you are mistaken. You see, he will never lay so much as a finger on me, no matter how much he may want to. Though you are right about one thing," she added, looking down at me. "I don't know him like you do." She stepped forward and bent down so our faces were mere inches from each other. "In truth, I know him far better than you ever will."

I stared at her in horror. "Just who the hell are you?"

The woman's smirk sent chills down my spine. "You're a smart girl, Cara," she replied evasively. "I'll give you one guess."

"Do I get any hints?" I asked sarcastically, my annoyance surfacing for a moment; I had neither the interest nor the patience for mind games, especially now.

She seemed to consider this for a moment. "Very well," the woman answered. "I suppose that's only fair. How about this?" I raised an eyebrow, curious now. "I will allow you to see your precious vampire on one condition." The woman raised one finger to emphasize her point. "You must allow me to take control of your body."

"No way." The response was instantaneous.

The familiar stranger raised an answer, surprised at my lack of hesitation. "Not even to see him?"

"You're with Millenium," I replied simply. "Why the hell would I trust you? Besides, how do I know you won't just use me to get close to my friends and take Hellsing down?"

"You make a fair point," she said. "However, if I wanted to harm your friends, I wouldn't need your body to do it, I can assure you of that. Not to mention I can give you the one thing you've been craving since you arrived in Hellsing."

I looked at her skeptically. "And that would be...?"

"Information." My expression instantly turned attentive. "You want to know more about his past, do you not? And you wish to know who I am? Consider this, what's the expression?" She paused for a moment as she searched for the phrase. "Ah, yes. Killing two birds with one stone." Her blue eyes were filled with a cold mischief and I knew that agreeing would probably mean more trouble than it was worth.

But I needed to know.

Sighing in defeat, I agreed. "Fine. Just tell me what to do."

The woman grinned victoriously. "Just sit back and watch." Suddenly, I was back in Buckingham palace. Nothing had changed.

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now