Just The Way It Is

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"Wake up."

I groaned and rolled over in the large bed. "Ten more minutes," I pleaded, shoving my face deeper into the pillows. A familiar deep chuckle immediately woke me. I turned over to see Alucard looking down at me, his face lit with amusement. "Oh. Hello," I said with false cheer. "Good morning."

"Good evening," corrected the vampire, but his tone wasn't scolding. "There's something interesting going on." I raised an eyebrow at him, but my silent question was soon answered by the sound of whirring.

Pulling off the sheets, I rushed to the window where a large helicopter was flying in front of the window. "What in the hell is going on?" I demanded. Almost immediately, Alucard pulled me away from the window.

"Stay out of sight," he ordered. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, but the vampire merely shook his head at me. "Seras and I cannot be killed by their guns, but you are still human and can be mortally wounded."

I was about to argue when my cell phone started ringing. I looked at the phone as though it were a rattlesnake, but the caller ID immediately relieved my concern. I rushed over to the phone and clicked the answer button. "Pip," I breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you okay?"

Behind me, Alucard snorted and muttered something incoherent, but I ignored him. "I'm fine, Cara," answered the captain. "What the hell is going on in there?! Seras and Alucard are being called terrorists. They're sending in a SWAT team!"

"What?!" I exclaimed. "No, Pip, they can't. You have to stop them!" If a SWAT team comes up here, I have no idea how Alucard and Seras will react.

"I'm on way over there now," Pip told me.

Before I could respond, Alucard grabbed the phone from me and hit the speaker button. I tried to protest, but Alucard's warning look silenced me. "Don't bother," he growled. "I can hear them coming now. Just try to get us a way out of here."

"Alright, then," Captain Bernadotte agreed reluctantly. "Cara, be careful. Your face didn't appear on the news, so it's possible they don't know you're inside. Let's try to keep it that way." I assured him that I would be fine before Alucard hung up the phone.

Suddenly, we were interrupted by the sound of soldiers running into the living room. Seras ran in and before she could speak, Alucard was giving her orders. "Seras, stay with Cara," he commanded. "I'll handle the mutts outside. Now it's time for us to go to war." With that, the dark-haired vampire stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Seras and I nodded to one another before making our way to the farthest corner of the room. Outside, we could hear the sound of gunfire. The gunfire stopped abruptly and there was a long silence. Then it began again, but this time, it was accompanied by screaming.

One of the soldiers open the bedroom door and ran in, closing it behind him. Without hesitating, Seras ushered me silently into the adjoining bathroom. "Lock the door," Alucard ordered. I looked up as the door closed to see that he had appeared in front of the poor soldier.

"No! You're a monster!" I heard the soldier scream through the door.

Alucard's own voice came through just as clearly. "Yes, people keep telling me that," he said. "And what does that make you who would stand against me, soldier? A man? A dog? A monster?" His question was followed by more screaming and gunfire. This time, however, the silence that followed remained.

Seras opened the door with caution. "Master?" she asked tentatively.

The dark-haired vampire had his back turned to us. "Seras," he said, his voice rough. "Prepare for battle."

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now