I Am You

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Nothing. That was it. I felt nothing, I saw nothing, I heard nothing. I seemed to be floating in a large ocean of just... nothing. I had no concept of time in this state, but it felt like years. At first, I was content with nothing. There was no pain, no sorrow. In the beginning, I found myself hoping that I could remain in the pool of nothing forever.

After what seemed like eternity, however, I felt the pieces come back to me. At first, they were just images, slowly drifting through my mind like leaves floating in the breeze. The first image was a strange one. There was lake surrounded by green hills on a sunny day. All over the hills were flocks of birds running rampant and causing mischief. They were squawking and I could almost hear their complaints and curses. Wild Geese, I thought with a smile. The image tickled a memory, but I couldn't place it.

Before I could ponder the thought more, the scene was replaced by two people. One was a woman, tall with blonde hair and circular glasses over her cold blue eyes. She was sitting in a large leather chair, smoking a cigar, and saying something unintelligible to the older man beside her, who was listening intently. I could tell from their expressions that this was a butler and his master. Master...

The thought seemed to trigger yet another image. This one came a little faster, as though it had been impatiently waiting for its turn. Yet another blonde woman, this one with short hair, appeared. She was looking up at someone and her blue eyes were filled with fear. Suddenly, the woman turned and her expression changed to one of happiness. It soon shifted to sheepishness followed by anger. I chuckled at her face. Once again, her words were distant and muffled, as though I were underwater, but her voice was familiar and I could tell she was more embarrassed than angry. Smack that idiot for me, would you?

I smiled, but the thought quickly disturbed me. Smack who? I shook my head in confusion. The memory had been there for only a moment, but it soon disappeared once more along with the woman. Next came a man with long brown hair tied in a messy braid. He was speaking directly to me, but only a few words came through, like static on a phone call. 'See you soon, ma chérie...'This time, a name came with the picture. It popped into my mind suddenly, but clear as a bell. Captain Pip Bernadotte...The thought immediately triggered another one, like a line of dominos falling one by one. Captain... my captain... my human... mine.

He came into my mind without warning. Unlike the others, I could hear him perfectly and I remembered his name as soon as I saw him. Alucard.

The crimson-eyed vampire smiled down at me as if he could hear my thoughts and was pleased. As I watched, he changed like one of those hologram cards which change pictures when viewed from a different perspective. I could see my Alucard, the one I knew from Hellsing, in his red overcoat and hat, with his long black hair falling into his face.

Yet at the same time, I saw another Alucard. I had no doubt it was the same man, and he seemed oddly familiar to me. This Alucard had a mustache as well as scruff to match his dark hair, which – while still long – was now wild and uncombed. His eyes retained their crimson color, but flashed a deep purple-blue. I found myself vaguely wondering if that was his original eye color. His outfit was drastically different as well. This Alucard wore full armor under a long, torn cape, as though he were going to battle.

Both Alucards wore the same amused expression, and when they spoke, it was with one voice. 'You are mine, Mina, and I will not let you go so easily.' The words struck a chord within me. I reached out to the twin Alucards, but they soon faded away just as the others had.

No! I tried to scream as I struggled against the nothing which had returned once more. I want to go back! Let me go back! The effort was futile. I kicked and punched at the nothing which threatened to consume me. Suddenly, something caught my hand, keeping me from delivering another blow to the other.

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now