Gather the Flock

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I was frozen. All around me, my comrades were screaming in pain and fear and I could do nothing but watch in horror as the giantess, who I vaguely recognized as Zorin Blitz, tore them apart. My heart pounded in my ears, but it wasn't nearly loud enough to drown out the men's screams. I heard Seras yelling something, but I was too caught up in my own helplessness to notice.

It was only when Seras was in front of me, my face snapping to the side. I heard the crack of her hand hitting my face before I felt the burn of my cheek. "Snap out of it!" Seras ordered, shaking me. "You can see it too, can't you?!"

See it...I frowned, glancing up at the giantess, but to my surprise I saw nothing. The roof was in place as if nothing had occurred. I glanced around me. The men were still screaming and writhing in pain, but there was no blood, no wounds to be seen on any of them. "What the hell?" Looking around once more, I felt my vision sharpen. I looked out the window and bared my fangs. "That bitch... Seras, take care of her. I'll deal with the boys."

Seras nodded and we both took off. I fired at incoming ghouls while she took aim. Just as she fired, Zorin looked up at us. Her eyes widened as I smirked at her, the bullet grazing the side of her face.

With that, the screaming stopped. I watched as the Wild Geese looked around, glancing at each other, then themselves. "An illusion?" Pip exclaimed from behind me. I turned to look at his indignant expression. "That gargantuan whore wasn't real?!"

Suddenly, another soldier called out. "We've lost the front of the estate!" Just as he did so, however, a ghoul burst through one of the windows at the men. My body reacted before my mind could register what was happening. I ran towards the ghoul, picking up a fallen gun. Just as I reached them, I jumped into the air, spinning as I pressed the gun to the ghoul's head and fired. His body hit the ground just as I landed. Definitely need to remember that trick, I thought to myself with a grin.

Pip, however, wasn't so pleased. "Let's gather the flock," he said grimly.

I nodded and grabbed a radio, speaking quickly. "Whoever's alive to hear this, fall back to my position. Keep shooting, though," I grinned at Pip. "Make those bastards work for it. Bring all the grenades and plastique you can." Seras and I both looked at the captain expectantly. "Sir?"

"We are going to set up barricades here." The men nodded at his orders and set to work. "Dig in as best we can and fend them off. While you, mademoiselle," Pip smirked mischievously at Seras. "Go make their acquaintance. Reduce them to nothing but Nazi carrion."

The blonde vampire nodded and saluted him, her shoulders set with determination. "Yes sir!"

"You and Cara are the aces up our sleeve," Pip told her grimly. "Remember, the life of every man in this room is in your hands."

I frowned slightly and looked away, feeling as though I was intruding on a private moment. Way to lessen the pressure, captain, I thought to myself. Even though it was true, I wasn't sure I was up to being depended on like that. As a member of the Wild Geese, there was no need to be singled out in such a manner; we were a team, and we worked together to achieve a goal as equals. As a medic, I was accustomed to the men relying on me to treat their wounds. If they died, it was because I had done everything I could, and everyone knew it. But Pip had just placed on me more pressure than he had ever felt. The lives of my friends, my family, were depending on me. If I failed, we would all die.

Suddenly, a loud yelp broke my train of thought. I looked up, instantly pulling back the hammer of my gun, but I paused as soon as I realized what had happened. Seras was rubbing her butt, looking distressed as one of the men held up a hand shamelessly. "In case I die," he explained, grinning like a little boy who knew he had eaten sweets before dinner but was too full to care.

Before the others could comment, the captain suddenly jumped up, his eyes filled with urgency. "Ah, I almost forgot the most important part! Seras!" His tone was stern and frantic, causing the blonde to look up immediately.

"Yes sir!"

"You must close your eyes!" Seras did so without hesitation, but I was watching the mischievous captain carefully. He leaned in and closed his own eyes, puckering his lips. Unfortunately for him, he got no farther thanks to a scolding yell from me.


Seras eyes snapped open and she squeaked, pushing him away. Also unfortunate for the captain was the fact that the vampire was too flustered to control her strength, so he went flying into a wall. The men laughed as Pip stood and dusted himself off as if nothing had happened. "Well, enough lollygagging," he coughed out sternly. "Let's go!" Seras nodded and turned away, but Pip called out to her once more. "Seras, ma chére..." Pip paused, as if uncertain of what to say to her. Finally, he seemed to settle on something and smiled. "Come back to me. That's an order."

I smiled as the blonde woman nodded, blushing lightly. "Yes, sir!" She cleared her throat and saluted once more. "Give 'em hell!" With that, Seras ran off to face our enemies.

"That is a hell of a girl," one of the men commented once she was gone.

"Of course she is." I smiled at them mischievously. "Only a girl like that could capture the captain's hea-" My words were cut off as I suddenly started coughing.

"Cara!" Pip yelled from beside me, but his voice was muffled. I staggered forward, but his arms wrapped around me, catching me as I fought for air. Something was dripping out of my mouth, but I couldn't tell what it was. I shakily lifted a finger to my lips, but when I examined my hand, my vision was too dim and blurry to register. It was only after the taste registered in my mouth that I understood – I was vomiting blood.

"Cara, stay with me. We're going to get you out of here." I tried to respond, but my words were caught in my throat, drowned by my own blood. Drowning – that's what was happening to me. I was drowning in my own blood. If I could have laughed, I would've; the very thing that was meant to sustain me was now killing me, strangling me slowly. My eyes began closing slowly, fatigue setting in. I tried to fight it, but in the end, darkness enveloped me. The last thing I heard was Pip screaming my name.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Once again, I was in darkness. I looked around with a sigh. "Oh, come on," I groaned. "Not this shit again." Suddenly, an all-too-familiar cackle sounded all around me. I turned to see Mina standing behind me, her dress soaked in blood. Her face was mangled, a large hole in her cheek, digging all the way into her jaw. "No," I breathed, stepping back shakily. "I-It can't be..."

"Oh, but it is." Mina bared her fangs at me, a bullet balancing on her tongue. Suddenly, bright red eyes appeared in the darkness behind her. First one pair, then two more, until I was surrounded by glowing red eyes, all glaring at me with malice. "And this time, dear Cara," she added, grinning as dozens of women stepped into my view, all of them with fangs bared and hatred in their crimson eyes. "I brought friends."

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