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Everything was on fire. As I looked upon the city that I had come to call home, I felt a strange sense of disgust. Battlefields were a common sight for me, and the gruesome sight of bodies on the pavement no longer gave me the same feeling of nausea it once did.

And yet, there was something about the sight of the blazing city that put a pit in my stomach. I felt sorrow for the familiar and unfamiliar faces of people who had nothing to do with this war, who didn't even know about the terror of the world around them. I felt hatred as I tore into every ghoul I saw, my fingers transforming into sharp claws and my fangs sinking into them as I ripped them all to pieces. At one point, I turned see my own reflection in an unbroken window.

Monster. That thought echoed through my mind as I took in my own appearance. My clothes hadn't changed much, I still wore simple black combat clothes, but they were drenched in blood. My once blue eyes were now a brilliant crimson, matching the blood dripping down my chin and clawed hands. My fangs were fully bared and bloodstained. Monster.

Suddenly, a now familiar throbbing pain filled my mind. I groaned and covered my ears with my hands as a sharp ringing pierced them. 'Monster!' A woman's voice screamed in my mind as I sank to my knees. 'S-Stay away from me!'

'Oh, come now.' It was my voice- no, Mina's voice- that spoke this time. 'Don't fight it. It'll feel good, I promise.'

I groaned in pain, but a familiar voice cut the memory off, much to my relief. "Good boys. You defended Queen and country. Rest in peace." I nearly laughed as Integra's voice reached my ears, but her grim tone reminded me of the situation. "Time is short. Let's move on, Walter."

I stood and turned, causing both of them to look in my direction, weapons raised. "Sir Integra." My voice was less shaky than I thought it would be. "It's good to see you."

Integra didn't lower her weapon, nor did I blame her. "Is it really you? Or is it...?"

"Mina?" She seemed to flinch at the name. "No. It's me, Cara. I'm back for good this time."

"I see." Integra lowered her gun and for a long moment there was silence. "You're a vampire."

I swallowed thickly, keeping my eyes on the ground. "I... This body isn't my own, as I'm sure you've realized." My tone was bitter but factual. "The vampire side of me was dormant with Mina's memories. When she awoke, so did her vampirism. Now that she's gone, I don't know how long it'll last, if it'll even go away at all."

"I see." Another long silence.

The sound of ghouls nearby caused us all to turn and Walter frowned. He opened the back door and motioned to the inside of it. "Get in." His voice was rushed and firm and neither of us had any care to argue. Soon we were speeding down the street towards Hellsing Manor, where I could only hope Alucard was waiting. For some reason, however, the thought put a pit in my stomach and I felt dread instead of joy at the idea of seeing him. Our last meeting drifted through my mind and I frowned. When we met once more, who would Alucard be looking for? Me, or Mina?

A voice through the radio cut off my train of thought. Integra seemed to stiffen at hearing it, and I imagined it was someone she knew. "Attention all soldiers. Attention all soldiers. Attention... anyone." The man sounded tired and desperate. I wondered how he had even managed to gain control of the radio waves in this chaos. "This is Vice Admiral Penwood speaking from the British Security Special Command Center. "That explains it, I thought. These Brits don't let anything out of the government's control. "I don't even know if there is anyone left to receive this message. This facility will soon fall. The monsters are almost upon us, and through the last of our defenses." My eyes widened, but I felt little surprise. The Major was ruthless; it was only natural he would succeed this quickly. "I now deliver the final orders from this facility to whomever is listening to this transmission. Keep fighting. Do your duty."

Immortals *Hellsing Ultimate* (Alucard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now