My Captain

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"Pip!" I screamed, running towards him. Seras tried to look around, still blinded. I could hear her calling out to us, but everything sounded far way. "Pip, oh god... Pip..." I kicked away the scythe, kneeling beside him. He leaned back against the wall, his hair covering his face.

My hands went to the wound, but he pushed them away, shaking his head. "Don't waste your time, ma chérie." He smiled bitterly as his gaze moved to Seras. "Jesus... what a bloody pair."

"What'd she do?!" Seras demanded, looking around in a panic.

"Zorin... She..." I shook my head, unable to speak. "The captain... He's..."

The captain chuckled, but I said nothing, merely watching the exchange. This is wrong. Everything about this is wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen. "You come charging in to save me," Pip grunted, still smiling. I could tell he was in serious pain, but he never stopped smiling. "And now I have to save you. What the hell..."

"Pip..." I whispered, but he didn't respond, merely lighting a cigarette. He was getting blurrier as the moments passed, and it was only when I looked down to see Seras grip his pant leg that I saw the tears falling. "Pip, no..."

"Why didn't you run away?" Seras tried to look up at him, but he grabbed her by the hair, pulling her forward for a rough kiss. I looked away, trying to give them their moment. They should have more moments... They shouldn't be suffering like this!

And for what? So that the Major could have his fun? So that Alucard could slaughter some Nazis and relive the glory days? They were pawns in this cruel and twisted game, just like me. Rage bloomed in my chest and I turned back towards Zorin. I am done being played.

"Hey bitch!" I called out to the lieutenant, my hands curling into fists. Images of Pip flashed through my mind. The day he saved me, our first fight together, all our time training together. Tears streamed down my cheeks, but I didn't care. "You killed... my captain."

"Just breaks your heart, doesn't it?" Zorin smirked, moving closer. "He was a bug, buzzing around my face." She placed her hand on her hip and I growled, a low feral sound. "That's why I had to swat him down, like a gnat."

I hissed. "You bitch..." I stepped forward, but quickly froze in my tracks at the sight of red glowing eyes behind her. More of them? But we killed them!

"By the way..." she said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "If you thought you killed all my men in the mansion, you were right. But we've had some late arrivals." No... I looked around as glowing red eyes peered through the smoke. We're all gonna die in here...

I stepped back as Zorin raised her arm. She brought it down and a thick purple shadow spread from her hand, encasing us. The men began to scream in terror and I looked around, trying to find a way out. The anger was building in my chest, begging to be let out. Everything was red, but we were trapped, helpless.

Suddenly, a small voice from behind me spoke up. "You called him a gnat." Seras said, her voice dangerously low. Her voice was shaking with rage, the same kind of rage I felt. Zorin looked at her, surprised by the outburst. "You'll pay for this. You'll pay!" We all stared in shock as Seras roared and bit down onto the captain, draining his blood. The blood that had been spilled around them seemed move towards the pair as well, converging onto them. After a while, she stood, but I was almost certain it was a completely different woman before me.

Seras' uniform had changed from its usual mustard yellow to a crimson red, the color of fresh blood. She stood, baring her fangs. Her eyes, now restored, had changed to that same blood red as well. Just like his eyes. The most surprising change however, was that her left arm was now a scythe, if it could be called that. It was wild and constantly changing shape. The colors changed from a deep red to an endless black. It was enchanting and terrifying all at once.

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