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your pov
The cold of the cell seemed to seep into my very bones. The concrete floor was unforgiving, and the chill of the wall at my back only served as a reminder of how far we'd fallen.
Jinx sat in the corner, her knees drawn to her chest, her arms wrapped tightly around them. She hadn't spoken to me in a while, maybe longer. No matter how much I tried to reach out to her, to offer even a shred of comfort, she'd only retreat further into herself.
I couldn't blame her. After everything that had happened, after all the blame that had been placed squarely on her shoulders, how could she not shut down? She was just 19—despite the chaos she carried, despite the destruction she left in her wake. A kid who'd been used, abandoned, and hunted. A kid who'd come so close to death more times than anyone should in one lifetime.
I couldn't begin to imagine how heavy that burden must be. And I wasn't sure she'd ever let me in enough to find out.
I shifted slightly, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. My chin rested on my folded arms as I stared blankly at the metal bars across from me. The wounds on my back—ones I thought would never fully heal—were somehow gone, replaced by smooth, scarred skin. The pain that had lingered for so long was just...gone. I didn't know how or why, but I wasn't about to question it. I felt fine, physically at least. Emotionally? That was another story.
The silence in the cell was oppressive, broken only by the occasional sound of water dripping from some unseen pipe. I burrowed my face into my lap, letting my eyes close. The chill was biting, but not unbearable. It was easier to pretend I wasn't here, that none of this was happening.
Then I heard it. Footsteps. Steady, deliberate, echoing against the hard floor outside the cell.
At first, I thought I was imagining it. Hallucinating. But then I heard a voice—a voice that made my heart stop mid-beat.
"Jinx? y/n?"
The sound was unmistakable, even after all this time. That rough yet warm tone, full of unshakable resolve. I didn't lift my head. I couldn't. It had to be in my mind, didn't it? A trick my brain was playing on me. But the voice came again, clearer this time, closer.
It was Jinx who responded, her voice low, hesitant. "What are you doing?"
Her tone was guarded, but there was a flicker of something else in it too. Curiosity, maybe. Or disbelief. I heard the faint jingle of keys, the metallic sound sharp and real against the dull background noise of the cell. Whoever it was, they were at the bars now, just a few feet away.
"Jinx, it's me," the voice said. "Vi."
Vi. My Vi.
The name sent a jolt through me, and I finally lifted my head, my heart pounding in my chest. My eyes locked onto the figure standing just outside the cell. The dim lighting made it hard to see clearly at first, but there was no mistaking her. That strong stance, the tangle of her faded black hair, the unmistakable presence that filled the space around her. It was her.