Chapter 6

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Before I start I'd like to apologize for the spelling errors in the last one I didn't even mean to hit publish but now I have to roll with it. Hope you enjoy.

"Allie fight for me. Stevie is in bad shape too and we can't lose both of you. I can't live without you. You're life can't be over yet we can't be over yet we haven't even started. Fight for me fight for us fight for the big youtube family that adores you fight." Is all I heard.

Us? What did she mean by us? What's wrong with Stevie? My thoughts began to grow again and I could feel sharp pain in each one. But I can't give up. Something is truly wrong and they need me. But people don't even remeber what happens when they wake up from comas??

Shit. It's better than dying. They can catch me up then.

Something in me started to feel different. I tried to speed everything up to make the lights go on and

"Where am I,what happened?" I asked feeling groggy like I took a 5 hour nap. I was in a room covered in a hospital gown.

"She's awake? How is she awake? What just happened? Are comments I heard from around the room. There were two doctors and a nurse?

"Do you know you name sweetheart?" The female Dr. asked.

"I'm Allie. Wait is my friend okay the one I was in the car with?"

"You've been in a coma dear,let's get you back into your room and we'll have family talk to you."

"I just. Um. Okay?"

Stephs POV

"Torey?" Ally spoke with a pale face.

"Ally,I'm not here to cause trouble with you I'm here for a loved one. I need to know of my Allie is alright."

"First of all that doesn't make sense cause I'm not you're Ally anymore." She said with anger.

"No not you ally another Ally. Allie Nicole. Now please leave me alone and let me try to figure out how she is." Torey said bawling her eyes out.

"Someone tell me how the hell she knows Allie and why she's here. Danny,why are you and Moonshine here anyway of its just Allie how did you know? How the hell does everybody know?" Ally was lost and confused. She was worried and paraniod and we haven't even told her the rest.

"Ally,come here." Danny said setting her into her lap. "Stevie was attacked by some dick at the store. Moonshine and I git him off but there was a lot of blood to her head.. she's in surgery. As is Allie. As for Torey we were trying to figure that out ourselves."

Ally went into his chest and crude more than I've ever seen her cry before. You could tell by the look in her eyes she felt like she had lost everything on her life. They're the famiky she had made. Her own family. I rubbed her back to try to comfort her and Danny kissed her head softly while playing with her hair. Moonshine just put her hand on her knee. We were all trying to get through it together. Torey was up agonist the wall on the other side of the hall. She had her head in her hands sobbing.

I got up to give her a hand. Allie knew her somehow. Some way. I know she wouldn't want her to be alone. Sense she was balled up I wrapped my arms around her stomach pulling her close to me. Hoping to provide something to ease the pain she was in.

Then I seen her,Allie. She was rolling back in the bed awake.

"Torey! What are you doing here its so good to see you!" She screamed out before anything else. Cause in my heart to drop. Assuming my presence wasn't needed.

"Allie, oh my fuck what had happened? It's been years and I find you in a hospital" Torey cries out in relief hugging and helping the doctors finishing wheel her into her room.

"The last thing I remeber is I was with Steph. Torey do you know where Steph is I need Steph! She needs to be okay!" I heard scream worried for me.

"I'm right here Alls. We're all right here." I cried so relived she was okay.

"I'm gonna let her go home whenever ready. But she'll need rest" the doctor spoke and walked out.

"Steph,did he come after you?" She asked nervously.

"He,he who?" We all asked at once.

"My father he was trying to come at me that was the man I was pointing at. Did he follow you?" She asked with eyes as big as the globe filled with worry.

"No,nobody followed we're fine." I said reassuring her.

"Dammit kid you had no idea what kind of hell you've put us through." Ally cried hugging her tightly as she possible could.

"I'm sorry. I'm just happy we're all okay. Thanks for coming to see me Dan. You too Moonshine. I'm thankful you were here too Steph. Torey, I've missed you so much. " Allie spoke out reaching for another hug from Torey.

"How the hell do you know her Nicole?" Ally looked at her as if she were ready to puke.

"She's family Ally. Blood family. My father cut us off from eachother a while back because be didn't want the gay to get one me. A bit after that I had her as my emergency contact because I did not want to wake up from something to my parents. I wanted someone I could trust." She said not skipping a beat. Torey sat next to her on the bed.

"Allie I'm so happy you're okay really. I love you so much. You can come stay with me tonight. You'll be okay." Torey spoke softly kissing her on the hand.

"No she can't,she lives with us now. We adopted her. She ours. We're her family."

"Guys wait,wheres Stevie" Allie said looking around the room like a lost puppy dog.

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